Thursday, April 14, 2005


Me: I wrote this thing about Macon.
Him: Really? Wow. Hey I know someone who wrote something. Are you published?
Me: ...No, not yet. See, I have this dilemma. I write about the South, but I'm not from the South. I'm from New York. I don't know what to do.
Him: That's not a problem. Why is that a problem?
Me: Because what am I? A Southern author? Is this Southern literature?
Him: Of course it is. Anything about the South is Southern literature.
Me: I don't know. This latest thing. It's about Macon.
Him: Tell me about it.
Me: It takes place on the Ocmulgee. And in the Rose Hill Cemetery.
Him: Wow. I know all about those places.
Me: It's really weird though. It starts revolving around TS Eliot. You know him?
Him: Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't really like Eliot.
Me: Have you read him?
Him: Not really, but....
Me: Well, I love him. So in the book I quote him a lot, the characters dig him, and at the end the whole thing gets really Eliotian, into this--what?
Him: What's that you said?
Me: What?
Him: That word? What was it?
Me: Eliotian?
Him: Eliotian?
Me: Right. Pertaining to Eliot.
Him: That's a real word?
Me: ....yessss.
Him: Eliotian.


At 11:50 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Sure is, Sali! I can't believe you know it! The river facotrs into the novel as well.... :)


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