Monday, June 06, 2005

Great White North

After staying up half the night helping AABA fill out a visa form for Canada I've firmly decided that if I have kids they're all being born on USA turf and having USA citizenship right off the bat. Period. They can do whatever they want after that, move anywhere in the world, but they're starting off American. Otherwise it's just WAY too irritating. In related news, I've decided FC and I will move to Prince Edward Island and live happy days catching lobster while looking at all the pretty lighthouses. I sent him some info. on Canadian immigration and while reading the site I got captivated by the canook propaganda myself (go figure. After 23 years of fervent anti-canook attitudes [although I have family from there and grew up 4 hours South of the border--wait. That's WHY I've been anti-canook!] I'm thinking of moving there.) Apparently for the past decade, Canada has repeatedly been voted best country because of its great health care system and extremely low level of crimes. I'm sold! (Even if canooks are crazy folks who sit around drinking beer, saying "eh", while moose run around outside in eight feet of snow.) Ah well. I'll STILL call it "Canadia" (that's Ca-nay-dee-a) all the days of my life. Just to annoy canooks and just because it SOUNDS right.


At 10:18 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Wow, hey this is why I have friends in law school, lol! I didn't know that at all, but it makes me feel a whole lot more comfortable. No, no, no I'll never change my citizenship! USA really is the best country in the world. I'm VERY patrotic now that I know the rest of the world is all clammoring to get in here. I don't agree with all this country does (abortion, death penalty, the increasing secularism, etc) but it definitely has the highest standard of living (at least in a physical, material way.)


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