Latina est gaudium
Pauci viri veros amicos habent, et pauci sunt digni. Amicitia vera est praeclara, et omnia praeclara sunt rara. Multi viri stulti de pecunia semper cogitant, pauci de amicis; sed errant: possumus valere sine multa pecunia, sed sine amicitia non valemus et vita est nihil.
I feel I haven't been a really good friend lately but in my flimsy defense: Videte! All I've been doing is Latin and Criminal Justice! I'm even starting to UNDERSTAND it all.
Off to have dreams of declensions, nominative and accusative cases, all dancing around in togas in my head....Let's hope I can finally get a full night's sleep. This place has been a madhouse lately.
Omnia labor et non ludus....
Hey you!!! Have you made reservations yet for November? Do so NOW, please.
lol Cinds I can't stop laughing when I think about you mumbling about work in your sleep! Creepy! Yeah, I can't imagine law school. I'm going nuts just having 2 independent study classes and a job--law school would be like a job AND school x 1,000! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. But I MAY try to do it myself one health is really looking up. I just need to have, as ol' Juvenal would put it, "Mens sana in corpore sano" (A healthy mind in a healthy body.)
Lucy! I'm so sorry I never wrote you back! I got your email but things have been so crazy I put it on the back-burner. I'll try to make amends though.... :) Love!
Tell Z to write me!!!
Thank you babycakes, you're the best friend EVER--let's argue about who's the better friend! Well, nevermind, there's no point because we all know YOU would win. :)
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