Happy St. Joseph's Feast!
It's 6am and I just got up to meet someone. *yawn* Of course I'd just gone to bed. :-)
Yesterday was fun. I showed E the zoo and we took a bunch of photos with the eagle and deer. Then after various errands I went downtown to talk with P. We hung out just like in the old days, with him expounding on everything from pop to the Navy. ("I like Coldplay"--Of course you do, it's all been made into a science! Every detail is arranged for you to like Coldplay.) While I was there this young guy came in and kept trying to talk with me. He was annoying and weird but P and I were still nice to him. Then, the guy asks for my number! I hate being mean so I gave it to him. I guess I'll just ignore him if he tries calling!
V's baby brother died in Katrina. I had wondered about that since I knew all his family was still located in the Big Easy. :-(
I came home to a lovely card from a prisoner who wants me to know that he's my shoulder to cry on if hard times arise, and a huge pacakge on my doorstep. Inside was a gorgeous (and big) framed clock with an immense picture of a unicorn and a moon on it. A prisoner had sent it. The postage on this thing must have been out of this world. I remember weeks ago this guy asking me how I felt about unicorns--I told him I loved them ever since I was a kid. What a sneaky person he was, telling me he only fleetingly wanted to know as he'd seen a picture of one somewhere. Sneaky, sneaky. I very much appreciated the surprise.
Maybe that's why I work with the prisoners. People who have nothing will give you everything if you just take the time of day with them. Every year all holidays and all birthdays are remembered ferevently by them and celebrated with gifts and cards. If I have a problem, I can get pages full of insight written back within a couple of days. And I can't tell you how much art I have my present place and my room back in NY decorated with. Everything from toothpick boxes and clocks (remarkably well-made), to paintings, model houses, sweaters, Roasries, necklaces and bracelets. They just send them. You can't stop them.
I talked to my family all visiting with my grandma (she's doing a little better-keep praying!) and then my brother who was actually very helpful in giving me all kinds of advice about the future.
Then I completed a lot of prison work and fell asleep only far after midnight.
It is FREEZING in the South today!
In a few hours I should be going to Mass and then work. I am going to make myself get some good Zzzs tonight.
Though today, as the 19th, is usually St. Joseph's Feast Day, L has notified me that it will be celebrated tomorrow since it falls on a Sunday this year. I guess in this way, St. Joseph has a double feast!
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