Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Please, PLEASE everyone check out Death Row Musings and leave a comment so I can print it off for Si and let him see what the new blog looks like. This is incredibly exciting for someone who has never been on the internet before, and someone who has to live in a cell 23 hours a day. I'm sure this would count as a Lenten work of mercy, spiritual and corporal! :-D
Thank you UFO for helping to get the ball rolling!
Also everyone remember to check out the Lenten retreat on UFO's blog. The link is on the right as well (Chuks).


At 3:53 AM, Blogger Autumn said...

I'd love to know more about what you do in prison.
Cheers, Autumn

p.s. Death Row Musings is awesome - I'm gonna ask some guys inside if they would like to start blogging, too.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Etrangère said...

ok, a few weeks ago one of the English teachers at my school told me her students that I have every week really really really wanted to watch Philidelphia and discuss AIDS...but when I asked them, they're like "Oh...well...I guess we could watch that...but we've been discussing homosexuality forever! can we please talk about something else! Like terrorism! or GMOs! or the Death Penalty!"
So my first thought was to show them parts of Dead Man Walking and have them debate a little...but then I'm like...I know the queen of the death penalty debate!!! so what are you doing around 10 am your time on a monday? do you work then? if not, would you be interested in having a live chat with my students? Or do you know anyone who would want to write up a little about their lives and share it with my class?

At 7:37 PM, Blogger Etrangère said...

Sorry...she said they wanted to discuss homosexuality some more...I get the impression she likes to spend a lot of time on a given subject and wants them to discuss it using prefabricated sentences and they're sick of it...or that's what they tell me...

At 11:52 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

AW! I WOULD HAVE LOVED THAT!!!!!! Keep me in mind if you end up doing death penalty stuff after all. I would flip for the opportunity. :-P

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Etrangère said...

sorry...I did not express myself well...she said they were discussing homosexuality, not
AIDS but that was a while ago and well I didn't go along with it because well they're like the best students I have and I'm terribly biased towards them :D (every other class was all about watching Friends but they just wanted to debate...can you imagine?) so I'm thinking I'll show them DMW this monday and you can talk to them at about 10am the monday after you think that would work for you? (I'll ask them too...)


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