Most of my friends think I'm voting Kerry and a few are convinced I'm voting for Bush. I took an online political quiz by the Libertarians and the results were actually pretty accurate. They called me a "centerist" who favors gov't funding for specific programs but doesn't want Big Brother to go overboard. Considering how crazy people are getting over this election, I think I won't reveal who I pushed the button for until 2008, if then. No, I'm not doing a write-in or voting for a third party. Yes, I love Farenheit 911 and no, I don't consider Kerry a Catholic.
I didn't vote early today because 1) I didn't get a chance and 2) I had to look up the SPLOST referendum again before going to the polls. Also, I like Blake Tillery's radio ads but I won't be voting for him since he didn't return what I consider an important environmental questionnaire to Athens Grow Green. Also, he's a young Rep. who gives me a frat boy vibe. I do respect the way he replied "I don't know" to the feral cat issue, however, and I think he's got a decent chance. One day I'd like to run for local office and get some stuff done, but I think I ought to do some growing up way before then. :)
It hit 78 degrees here today supposedly.
I don't know why Blogger is having issues posting my "Lynchpin" entry, sometimes it comes up and sometimes not.
Time for din-din--Aloha!
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