OK all, I'll be back on the 18th, so see ya then! There should be a tanned version of myself returning to the South, exshausted and happy to see my little bees (for those of you who are no doubt freaked out right now, I call my dogs, um and Edison too, my 'bees.' Oh, that makes it more insane? Oops. Shoulda kept my mouth shut.) :-D
I still haven't really packed. I never pack until last, last minute. I tell myself I work well under pressure. Yeah right! OK, gotta run before I miss my plane or something in the morning....
Love y'all!
Don't forget St. Anthony's Feast on June 13th. He's the saint everyone calls on to find lost articles, then, if they're anything like me, quickly forget afterwards. :( Ooh, the irony.
Hey Sals--I dunno. Do you want to write the next part????? That'd be cool! :)
Cinds how did I know you'd end up on Grove St!? :) Nah, I don't mind staying in a small place but...what about if there's MORE than just me? ::wink wink::
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