Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Hero

Today I got my baby to talk a little about his dad's involvement in the Biafran War back in the 60s, but he had to go before he could tell me (again) about the time he rounded up some murderous cult (gang) members at his last university. He's actually a hero. He did that when he was about 20 years old. When I was 20 I was thinking about which venues would host my band. Not bad but, c'mon.
Anyway, today he told me that he's becoming a little involved with a certain group that has to remain nameless since this is the internet. But it's actually very dangerous and very...awesome. If this group were to accomplish it's mission, the world as we know it would be very different. I've known about groups like this for some time and respected them, even wanted to help them, but never got to it. It wouldn't be dangerous really for me to get involved. Long story. But this boy seriously gets my R-E-S-P-E-C-T for putting his security on the line to do a lot of good. In my mind (and a lot of other people's minds) he adds his name to the list of heroes throughout time and space who have stuck up for what's right and risked everything to fight for justice. I'm VERY proud to know such a person, and hope some of that bravery will rub off on me. I'm really not trying to go all Tracy (Sali and Cindy you know what I mean!) on y'all ("he's the greatest boy in the whole wide world!") but you've got to admit: rounding up murderers, joining a secret society.... I'd respect the guy even if I just heard about him on the news.


At 9:28 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

black shirts? whatever- it makes him sound like a freaking Freedom Rider or Meadger Evers. Or an abolitionist working on the Underground Railroad. Pfhht!

At 9:34 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

PS anyone who knows me knows i wouldn't pal around with a fascist.


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