Friday, June 24, 2005


Looks like if all goes well I'll be teaching some new little children (or bigger children) catechism in the Fall. Great. Now I can give my mom a break. I "teach" her catechism all the time and she lets me know emphatically that I'm preaching to the choir and/or I can just "take off eh." Then everyone else I know either agrees with me or won't let me teach. But children--they allow it since I'm one of those "big kids." Power! Oh, the power!
Um, none of them can know this web address, okay? I think this blog should be under lock and key until the classes let out. :)
Yuck, I'm 24 now and I feel like a major lame-o. Sony, I really DO "think you already have a Batman toy." It's all one to me. I even wear the old lady hat and shirt.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

When do we get to have canes and hit younguns with them?


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