Friday, July 15, 2005

Son of the Right Hand

I just got a call that my friend, BYN was killed by a truck bomb in Iraq on Wed. He had just joined the military and had just left for Iraq. I knew him through his sister. I'd always joke with her: "Would you be mad if BYN and I went out? Ooh! He's soooo cute!" He would smile at me whenever he saw me. Then one day he signed up for the military. It was a shock to everyone, but I assumed I'd be seeing him around after his service ended. He hardly got a chance to be a soldier. Now I'll never know if he had a crush on me or not.
The words I feel inside about this war and this president are too vulgar to type or say. Lately it seems like so many young people are dying, so many young people who were beautiful and good-hearted.
BYN was a religious young man. I'll be praying for him. Maybe one day I'll get to see him again in heaven. His name in Hebrew means "son of the right hand" or "son of the south." He was a son of the South for sure, and now I hope he's at the Right Hand of the Father.
I'm actually in shock right now but I can't stop shaking. Ever since I got the call I've been shaking. His sister's phone is too full of messages to leave one, so tomorrow morning SB and I are taking flowers out to the home. I wonder when the funeral will be.
Just a few hours ago I was on the phone with a friend discussing Iraq; but I never imagined it'd come this close to home to me.


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