The Vet
Well. In another few minutes I have to give a tranquilizer pill to Grasmere (my dog) because he absolutely hates the vet so much they make me sedate him before I bring him in. He's going in today to get his ear looked at and I just pray they don't have to operate on him. Eddy and I are both going to support the little guy. Awww. It's bad enough my car doesn't have A/C, so he'll be really uncomfortable even before he gets to the scary vet's office. :(
I dreamed last night I was showing a Monkees episode to JB on this bus and he kept laughing and saying: "This is good humor!"
I'm going crazy. :-P
It's probably because when I watch the episodes myself, I say that a lot: "Wow, what GREAT humor!" And then I watched a director's commentary and the guy kept saying the exact same thing.
The 3 things on TV I love the most I've loved ever since I was a kid: Three's Company, Quantum Leap and the Monkees. There was a long period in the 90s where I didn't watch or recall any of them, but now I'm back!!!
I "love" how all my posts are now about the Monkees. Ahem.
I've been playing a lot more music lately which is good. I'd fallen off the wagon for a bit there because I wasn't having any time for it, and then there was that "Oh no I can't sing!" stint that set me back. I still don't think I'm singing half as good as I used to when I was doing it every day for hours, but I'm definitely more on tune than before.
The novel just won't end! I'm too attached to these charcaters! I'm thinking of cutting the whole thing into segments when it's done (if it's ever done) and creating a teen series. Except for all the drugs, it's basically a teen novel anyway. Right now they're arguing about how to spend all the money, or if they should spend the money. Lauren's gonna get more alone time with Cletus which is always interesting....
Nesmith's "Elephant Parts" show is on its way to me!!! Hurrah!
Well, if Grasmere gives you any trouble, just call "Anne."
: )
He is just fine now although I need to give him all these pills every day and he tries spitting them up. Ugh. Yay, my mom is here!
I love you my igwe!!! ;) I think you should name your next! heehee
Nope I will never give up. I can only speak the truth! Your face is far more lovely than my own and I don't believe you asked anybody! If you did they'd all tell you that YOU'RE the best!
Did you get any sleep at all? How was lecture? Yay, you're still posting on my blog! Let me see if you're adding to your own....
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