Is there life after these 2 courses? Strangely, I think I'll miss these two shackles on my ankles. I'm already trying to make arrangements to take more: Russian, Yoruba, Swahili, French, and more Latin. Maybe even Zulu. Can I afford it? Do I even have time? Aren't I supposed to be shipping off to some challenging missionary assignment next year? Why don't I just go to Kenya and learn Swahili frist-hand? Or am I learning Swahili so that when I do go to Kenya, it will make sense? I like that poem at the end of that St. Francis book: The Journey and the Dream. You must have the Dream to make the Journey, but if the Journey is only a Dream, you have nothing. There's a balance there I need to work out. O. already knows all this about me. Maybe he's the only one who really understands the Dream. [I'll be telling you all about this later, O., it simply hasn't come out of my mouth yet, but it's been in my mind as I've been driving....] In any case, I finished all my Latin lessons AT LAST yesterday (it feels like forever ago) and so I only have the final to look forward to. (Was that the right way to phrase that?) Now I'm working on my last lesson for Crim. Just. and a long research paper on racism in the death penalty. I thought it'd be an easy topic, but since I actually care about it, it seems I'm trying to actually do it right.
My boss tripled my work hours this week, so I've been sleeping literally 6 or 3 hours a night, but finally I got today "off" and I slept for 12 hours straight! Hurrah.
My new car arrives next week sometime, and not a day too soon. My current car must've found out I was selling it, for all at once, the whole thing shut down. It's like the Blues Mobile in the Blues Brothers. It performed amazing feats for a long time, but when it knew its work was finished, it collapsed in a heap. These are the things to go wrong with my car, just within the last couple of months:
muffler got torn off partially
heat doesn't work
all the tires lose air, especially the passenger seat side; they need to be refilled often
the car shakes while driving
Ah well, it gave me 5 straight years of good-luvin'. I can't complain. But I will complain if it strands my boss and me somewhere out in the wilderness sometime between now and next week. I keep a wad of cab fare on hand just in case.
Right after Nov. 11 (ah, that wonderful day!) I'll launch myself right into the Arabic class (private), hopefully catechism (RCIA or kids), and maybe the county jail ministry. Then I need to edit my novella, and finish writing the 2 novels. I miss them so much! I also need to finally get back to music and record with that cool new program I'm getting. I've been "getting" that program since this time last year. Sigh. OK, enough dreaming--back to the books.
Well, yes, little one, you do need to get back to your music.
Call me sometime, please!!
I love you, Lucy! In just a couple days I'll have some time to email and call you and talk about everything! Larry says hi. :) I finally talked to him the other night for a bit.
Chuks! I sent you my paper so you can tell me what you think of it. We might have to wait for the missionary work until next year it seems...but let's keep our eyes open. Really, I'd love to do missionary stuff in Naija, but I can't find a thing. :(
"but since I actually care about it, it seems I'm trying to actually do it right."
those are the hardest ones...I once wrote one on abortion...for a very prochoice prof whose father may have performed abortions...I missed the deadline and two make up was horrible...
Bon courage!
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