Sophisticated Party
Last night my boss and I went to a sophisticated Episcopalian party. It was hosted by a young married couple who must be making big bucks because they lived out in an estate in Watkinsville--a ritzy section with enormous mansions, wide quiet streets, and decorative wreaths on all the doors. It was really breathtaking and lavish. Inside our hosts' house, there was a richly-ornamented white Christmas tree with pretend (I assumed) gifts wrapped and stacked beneath the fake branches. A perfectly calm fire burned in the picture-perfect fireplace, and they even had bells hung around the doorknob so the "sound of the season" went off everytime someone came in or out. When we got in, the man kindly took our coats off and carried them upstairs for safekeeping. You could've eaten off of the floor--everything was in its place, and seriously, I've seen Christmas cards featuring less impeccable scenes.
Halfway through the meal, one of the guests sat talking with the host about how many golf courses he owned. I heard the word "economy" several times. He'd first been in the thoroughbred horse business, he said, but then he went into golf courses, and really, courses are very easy to do, you just keep increasing economy and before you know it, you've got several.
Needless to say, I went from feeling uncomfortable to just plain awkward. I've had horses too, but never for business. And once I played Putt-Putt but I've never stepped on a real green. Furthermore, I like Christmas, and I always enjoyed putting tinsel on the tree but THIS was incredible.
First, I had feelings of mild jealousy. Maybe some day I'd have a house like that and come December I'd have it all dressed to the nines.
Then came the emotions of irritation: Christmas is when we celebrate the poor Baby Jesus choosing to come to earth in a cold manger. The only guests were dirty shepherds from the fields.
Finally, understanding: people are just different. Different classes, different incomes, different ways of doing things. Different cultures, different attitudes, different perspectives. Not better or worse, just different.
Cindy, I'm sure you could make a wonderful Confession! Go for it! Your Mary's special girl (remember the truck!) heehee The attachment to sin will be taken care of by the Confession. ;)
do you have to go to confession that day or just relatively recently? And what's the work to which the indulgence is attached?
The Confession can be several days before or after Dec. 8--just go your next possible opportunity. And you must say prayers for the Holy Father's intentions (Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.)
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