Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Glowing Cemetery, Iron Horse, and a Cold Medical Ward

This evening P and I drove out to Winder in part to stuff ourselves with Golden Corral cooking, but also to witness the 7th Wonder of Georgia, the "Glowing Cemetery." On 316 just before you get to the Golden Corral, on your left, you will see graves lit up by blue lanterns, blue crosses, etc. At night it's an eerie and mystifying sight. Only the South could produce something so haunting, eccentric and creepy. I heard about it first from JB years ago. He was driving home from Winder talking to me on his cell when suddenly he freaked. "There's a graveyard down here lit up like a Christmas tree!" I didn't believe him of course, but there it was, in all its spookiness.
Not as spooky as the Iron Horse at midnight, however. After a certain point during my stay in Georgia, I decided it was about time to track down the mystic beast that had once sparked a grotesque riot on campus. LG took E and I out into the cornfields late one night and after a long time of scanning and rescanning the dark hills along the highway, he turned the headlights on to leave and BAM! About 10 yards ahead of us was the shape of the black monster. I still get chills to think of it. We trekked out to it with shivers surging up our backs and made peace with it by patting the cobwebs off its bones. It made us sad to depart from it; there it was deserted in an isolated prison--forever banished because it puzzled students into strange violence.

It's nice to talk with people like P and LG. They don't just talk about mundane everyday things. In fact, they never do. Instead they theorize and philosophize about everything under the sun: recent trends, the old days, why kids today are so sullen, why music today isn't that great, what's going on with politics, etc. It's like they're constantly striving to understand the universe. I learn a lot from their speeches and ideas, and I put myself into a similar frame of mind (I don't have to push myself too hard).
In the past 3 days I've met more new and interesting people than I have in the past 3 years. It was like I just stopped meeting people (ummm, I guess this has something to do with the fact that I didn't leave my house!)

Things at the jail were worrisome yesterday. The girl I was visiting had been threatened by another prisoner and moved to the medical ward. It's cold there, with no other people, no TV, no anything. She was miserable by the time I got to see her. She didn't understand why she was the one made to move to such a place, when it was the other prisoner who had threatened to stab her with two pencils. The name of this predatory prisoner? Let's call her SR. I couldn't believe it! I've been doing jail ministry there for about 2 months now, and if there's one thing constant with each prisoner I've met it's that they all bring up the same name, over and over again: SR. Whenever something's going wrong, you can bet SR is behind it. What a lady she must be!
To make a very long story short, I did try to help my prisoner in question. I called her parents (who were NOT too pleased) and they in turn called the jail to investigate. I hope that by Friday, when I visit again, things will have been resolved. Until then, keep a certain woman prisoner in your prayers please.


At 11:37 AM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

No, I didn't because I forgot and also my cell phone doesn't havbe a flash on it so it would have come out really weird, with just the lights and not the graves. But I want to go back to the Golden Corral real soon so if you're up for it we can see it together.
I was thinking that it was weird enough that there would be tons of pictures of it online but alas I can't find any yet.


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