I don't understand why the same people who pretend to care sooooo much end up disappearing on you. It happens time and time again and in the end I'm really just not phased by it at all. That's the true tragedy. Not that it happens but that I don't even care anymore, and I've come to expect it.
Hello, Dancing Owl
*Real Space Log: Lauren St. David-Blessing* "Oxidentals are a curious people."-Nez
I'm confused. I'll be in NY from May12-June9, then Ukraine from June 9-June 28 (or so). After I leave Athens on May 12 I won't be back South till July or (in a rare case) perhaps even August. Don't worry! I'm planning on making your birthday and L's wedding!
I'm supposed to be viisting the Bronx sometime in May or early June but who knows about that. Everything is so mixed up right now. But if I was going to be in Athens of course I'd love you to visit. Maybe you can visit me in the Bronx!
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