Friday, June 23, 2006

"I've been to one World Fair, a picnic and a rodeo and that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" -Kong, Dr. Strangelove

Hi everyone. Here I am again. Sorry I've been so neglectful but I have almost no PC access up here so just getting online is a major struggle. But I'll be back home--early--next week so then all will return to normal.
I really need everyone's prayers right now because my landlord is selling my place and the new owner can switch everything up. Everything is in the air at the moment and it gives me an uneasy feeling. It also makes me second guess the plans I've made for the near future which also is not a very nice feeling. It's a queasy feeling that doesn't end, and won't end, until the new owner replaces it with a fuzzy warm feeling. St. Joseph is a patron of real estate so feel free to tell him I need help.

I've been busy doing a million things: creating a scrapbook/photo album for my brother as a graduating-from-residency present; working out at least an hour a day, sometimes more (amazing for me); visiting everyone I know up here; shopping, planning, worrying, eating; watching movies galore with my mom in the evenings (finally Dr. Strangelove, The Russians are Coming the Russians are Coming!!, Wit, Lost in Translation, et al.); stressing over decisions and indecisions (like Capt. Pierce on Col. Blake: "The desk from behind which he launched a million indecisions"); watching the World Cup (yeh, USA stinks but I'm supporting my true love anyway: Brasil! Brasil! Brasil! Kaka, I love you--and yes, I'll only say that once); watching with heavy sorrow my beloved Braves go down the tubes; caring for my sweet pink grafted cactus that I got a month ago; but mostly reading reading reading. Every classic I ever wanted to read has now been dropped in my lap, thanks to my enormous bedroom library that I started growing a couple decades ago. Jules Verne--Hemingway--RFK's writings--Arabic, Spanish, French, Latin--Robinson Crusoe--Sophie's World (a little superficial and dorky, I admit, but hey, I started it when I was 14 or so and feel compelled to finish it up.) And so on. I've learned the details on the Cuban Missle Crisis, the Austrian-Italian battles of WW2, what Socrates looked like, and how to say "I understand a little Spanish, sir," in Spanish. Oooh, don't you envy me!?

Currently I'm missing L and Z and LG (and even CJ!) who are all down South right now partying without me. I'll be home just 2 days too late to ride the wave. They're riding a tractor right now and getting ready to be downtown all evening. Wah! LG promised to take me tractor-riding the minute I got in, which only mildly eased my heartache.

Tomorrow I should be in PA again visiting more family.

Anyone who cares enough about me to check this after all the weeks I left it go--I LOVE YOU!


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