Thanx for the Ride
What's been going on lately:
I just came off of 2 really bad days, wherein everything (except the really important stuff, thank God) kept going wrong. But I survived, hurrah!
My toilet now appears to be breaking AGAIN.
A crushing, major blow has been dealt to an important relationship in my life, yet somehow it makes sense in relative context.
It seems most likely I will be moving to East LA for a year starting this summer, and getting 2 weeks break around Christmas. There are still remote possibilities I will, however, go to a rural desert immigrant town near El Paso, or Phoenix, Tucson, or maybe even Baltimore.
Thursday is my last day at work (bittersweet!)
I leave for NY on Friday and shan't return until July (the way things are now)
I should be in Ukraine for the last couple weeks in June; but an opening has been made for the July program too, so although I'll most likely have to decline that, there's still a slight chance I'll go ahead.
There's not enough time to do everything I need to do before leaving Friday! I haven't even told half of the people I know I'm leaving. It snuck right up on me.
Google Earth has been happening and helping me make decisions.
I've been working about 1/3 more than usual the past week or so. Yowza!
I had a traumatic experience with 2 dead salmon at work the other day and my meat-eating endeavors may have been pushed back a few months. Icky, icky.
Read an article in Athens magazine at work about Georgia's version of Bigfoot. He's called Swamp Ape!
Michael Nesmith on my CD player in the car. (Sorry Neil Young, you were booted.)
I feel sort of like I might have once felt long ago in a distant place, but maybe I've never felt this way before. It's a light, airy, wistful feeling, almost as if I am spirit alone. "I feel like it's my first time high/Moving closer to clearer skies." (Thanx for the Ride)
Moved in a little closer to a person I had almost willfully forgotten about. Maybe this is a part of my new future?
I want a ranch out in the Western desert, a little place in Athens to call home, and plane tickets every month or so to take me around the world. Sometimes, anyways.
Thanx for the ride, y'all! I'll be back before you notice I've gone--Athens hardly blinks when its children run away; it happens so often.
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