Monday, May 01, 2006

Well, I wrote a long and interesting post to go here but just deleted it out of fear of confusing everybody. So instead, allow me to perform a little tap-dance to go here:

What? You couldn't see that? Well you missed out big-time let me say. I had hand routines and everything to accompany the dynamic feet.
In other (and slightly more normal) news, y'all should join me at My Space since it seems that's where all my net-pals have moved to.
And in more (and hardly different) news, I still haven't finished all my applications. That's what I'm supposed to be doing right now in fact. Watch as the Amazing Me shirks all obligations and daringly walks the precipice between Present and Future! Will she fall off the edge and be doomed forever?

yesterday at work we went to a Russian concert. These 5 Russians sang numerous songs of the Homeland, and in predictable Slavic style, remained heartbreakingly aloof afterwards! Ah, my people, how I love them. They would have greatly offended me had I not understood. Slavs just don't mingle with others. If only they had known I too was one of them...but there was no time to explain....

Current Mood: Calm after the storm...placid and content


At 3:38 AM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


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