Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Real Space Log:

Before sleep called Anu but UFO had already left. Woke up early but didn't do much. Read With God in Russia. Got Ukrainian book and magazines in the mail. Studied them for a little over an hour instead of Latin. Watched Cat Ballou for the fifth time or so (it was on TV.) Talked to E on the phone. About to watch Golden Girls, then read more With God in Russia, then listen to UFO singing again. Hopefully, go to bed early and work tomorrow. Can't muster up the interest to work at all today. May rewrite the short story that got erased from my hard drive yesterday. It's about a young small town girl who doesn't want to get married, but her fiance's family is her whole life. I feel exhausted and I haven't even left my house. I didn't go to Confession, Mass or Rosary group. Maybe tomorrow. Yawn. "Thank you for being a friend, travel 'round the world and back again, your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant--"


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