Monday, August 01, 2005

Keep on Keepin' On

ZZ returned to my life when just last night I was missing him most. I've been loving my newfound friendship in O but there's nobody who can philosophize with me like ZZ!
The hits really do just keep on comin'. The days are actually getting more and more stressful and now to top it off I'm sick and having trouble sleeping. In the middle of last week you couldn't have convinced me the days could be rougher, but surprise, surprise, they are! I think I'll lock myself in the house for the rest of the evening and just hide under the covers. This phase has got to pass eventually . . . doesn't it? :(
Last night at least was interesting. LG and I wanted to go do laundry but then he got his truck stuck in some gravel. I drove over after midnight and pulled him out with my wagon. Then we rode over to the laundromat. There was no one inside but this young Mexican guy who was on his cell phone. LG and I just talked, got caught up, and took a few walks around the place. It was Sunday night so you could practically hear a pin drop all around you. After we finished, we found one of those 24 hour self serve car washes. LG had joked earlier about washing my car that night so I figured hey, let's do it. It had to be washed before Wed. anyways and what are the chances I'd do it left to my own devices? So there we were at 2am getting soaked (we both tried to wash at once.) After we finished, LG looked at my car and said in all sincerity, "Oh that's a nice color, I didn't know it was a metallic blue." I'd forgotten too. I don't think that thing's been washed in years. Now I just need to clear the inside out. I'll be fired in an instant if my boss's mom sees that!!!
My Michael Nesmith CD came in the mail today--finally! Needless to say it's been on repeat here now for quite a while. I can see why no one regards him as a superstar--he's far too good for that. :) Now I just need a new dog so I can name him Nez. You do know that Nez and Gram Parsons both invented country rock, don't you? One of the greatest music forms on earth if you ask me (which you didn't.)
I wish I could quote you some lines from O's latest email to me. He brought tears to my eyes. I've been having a rough time lately, have I mentioned that? I think I just ought to pray.
Sing it Nez:
"Consider the source and ignore if you can whatever is said to undo the plan
Consider the source and ignore it my friend--you're doin just fine, keep on keepin' on"


At 12:27 AM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

I'm feeling a little better--my stomach has been bothering me for a bit but I think it might just be a girl thing. Ugh.


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