I spent most of yesterday thinking, talking and whining about studying rather than really studying. Then I talked to IK and realized that medical exams are probably way more difficult than my stupid Latin and Crim. Just. so I eased up a little. I've been kinda down the past two days, probably because of "girl issues" but also because there really are a host of things in my life I'm unhappy about at the moment. I just never realized it because I was too busy for so long. But now that I had a couple of free hours to just sit and write and think, it turns out a couple of my "friends" are complete . . . fools. So I'm through depending on some of them for now. Also, I need to be making more concrete plans for the future, but I don't know what I can do with my dogs. If you're not a dog person, this will make no sense to you. But if you're like I am, your dogs are like family members, and the idea of just giving them up because you want to move or get a career really is just plain heartless. This has weighed on my mind for years now, when considering grad school, or missionary work, or any kind of major change. The other things I have on my mind are either too trivial to care to post or too personal to put up here. I'm not seriously down in the dumps or anything, and I'm sure hormones have a LOT to do with this, but still--I'm usually one of those "glass half full" types, so feeling like this is strange.
Hello, Dancing Owl
*Real Space Log: Lauren St. David-Blessing* "Oxidentals are a curious people."-Nez
*gasp* Sali we need to have girl talk for real! The three of us should seriously do a 3-way call sometime...that would rock.
I don't know the issues you're having with your friend, Sals, but usually at the end of the day it's better to keep a friend rather than leave them, even if they are acting like a complete jerk. I feel like SUCH a hypocrite giving you this advice because I haven't figured out what I'll do yet about my pals who are irking me.
[These 2 folks generally do NOT read my blog on a regular basis, so if you're reading this, it's probably not you!!!]
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