Off of work...yay! I want to lounge. But first I must go to the post office and mail out a zillion things for Christmas. It got warmer here thank God so I'm not shivering constantly and I can actually enjoy staying indoors at my place. An email and call from O. has kept me going. My own private diary and shrink all wrapped into one very cool person. Yesterday at work I had to go to this chorale performance which wasn't half bad except it was all Christmas music despite the fact that's it's Advent. Then there was some caroling we had to do at the Episcopal Center on campus. The irony that it's me doing all this is hysterical, even to me. I can't wait to finally go see my Mom. I know I saw her over the summer, but still--it will be nice to have a break. I also want to see snow! It's been 1 1/2 or 2 years since I last saw snow. I skipped Christmas up North last year. Still there are these questions in my mind: decisions to make, goodbye or hello, move or stay, etc. I'd like to do them all at once somehow if it were possible.
Hello, Dancing Owl
*Real Space Log: Lauren St. David-Blessing* "Oxidentals are a curious people."-Nez
what are you going to do? We have twelve real days of Christmas and no one wants to wait for them...
It would make more sense for all this Christmas excitement to START on Dec. 25, and then just go from there. You've got to admit it's all corporate. Dec. 25 is gift day so if the commercials don't run in Advent they'll miss out.
It's sick that the new religion of this age is materialism. >:(
Well said, Chuks! We really do have to distance ourselves from the pagans of old and even the modern-day pagans. Apparently there are more of them than I thought. I was shopping for a kid today at Target and saw a children's (girls') "yoga set"!!!
I love that about Dec. 25--we took the pagans' feast and turned it into a lovely holiday.
Chuks, you really would make such a wonderful Rev. Fr.!
If you don't become a Rev Fr maybe God is calling you to marry a white American...heehee
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