Monday, January 30, 2006

Crazy, Crazy Rooster

I was watching a show on the native tribes of Vanuatu and was shocked by how great their music is. It's very South Pacific, kind of like Hawaiian music, but distinct. Then I saw a show on an African tribe (I didn't catch the name or location) and one of their songs got me so happy and excited. UFO will understand why. The words were:
Rooster sitting in a tree
Crazy, crazy rooster
He comes down to eat
How crazy can a rooster be?
He flies back up to the tree
Crazy, crazy rooster
Ooh! He's a crazy rooster!
Crazy, crazy rooster!
Crazy, crazy rooster!

HA HA! I wish I could listen to that over and over again. Their word for crazy (mnah) is the Ukrainian word for "don't" or "nothing," and that was in a Ukie song my grandma used to sing to me as a kid. It's fun to say. Say it: mnah! Say "nah" as in "Nah, I won't" and just put an "m" noise at the front. Go on, it's fun. Crazy, crazy rooster. Rooster mnah mnah.


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