Muslim Riots
45 non-Muslims, mostly Christians, were killed in Muslims riots in Nigeria the other day, all over the Danish cartoon depicting Mohammad. 18 churches were razed as well. More riots are expected, and Christians and have taken to hiding to stay safe. Though this is not in the Southern part of the nation (where I know people), it frightens me nonetheless.
I wish Biafra had succeeded. The North of Nigeria is nothing like the South. The South is Igboland: Catholic, peaceful, erudite and . . . well, NICE.
This is all way beyond my's hard for me to imagine...why? I found a whole book of really nasty awful cartoons about JPII in a french grocery store
and simply swore never to spend money there anymore...
Baby I'm so worried about you being there. First the bird flu, than the Muslims destroying everything. Thankfully you seem to be out of the way of that, but still... :-(
I'm praying for you.
I have no idea how all of this will affect my plans for June.
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