Monday, February 13, 2006

Smells Like Frodis Caper

The past few days included: work, jail/prison stuff, and Monkee Mania. I wish I were in the Monkees; I really do. Sadly, the one band I was in that ever made it anywhere was fun for everyone but me. How'd'ya like that? What I like about the Monkees is that they were having fun unabashedly. After a certain point in pop/rock history it seemed like the "in" thing was to act like you didn't care, and the little you did care was with negative energy. Like, "I hate being in this band. Everything stinks. Music!? We don't need no steeking music!" I fell into that, too, I'm ashamed to say. Out of all the photos of me ever playing music I don't think I was smiling in any of them. It was just dire poses, frowns and dark clothing. Dog collars. Maybe this explains why ten years later I gravitate towards the opposite end of the spectrum. I mean, just LOOK at these guys: could anything be more...well...DORKY?

If I could do it over again, I'd do it all different. I'd smile, hop around, pat my bandmates on the back and laugh--onstage (*gasp* horrors of horrors!) When I met the fans I wouldn't glare accusingly in their direction, stand far off, and send a lackey over to dismiss them, scrawling an autograph with a flare and tossing it at them--via the lackey. (What WAS that!? Was I Queen Cleopatra!?) When someone complemented the show I'd actually thank them. Genuinely. And be thankful instead of annoyed. Not like the Monkees were necessarily like this either. But you get the idea. Think: A pop band running around carrying a frodis plant (see black and white pic below) instead of the Smells Like Teen Spirit video. Ugh. I'm glad the 90s are finally over. But what now?


At 2:59 AM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Of course you could join!!! You could be the pretty face of the band! Plus I know you've got at least *some* musicial talent in there somewhere. :-P


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