Monday, November 15, 2004

Deja vu

Well well well, today was a productive day--after seeing the baby, I met Keshie for dinner at Loco's and then saw his new place. He brought me back a journal from India to put song lyrics in! AWWWWWwwwww!!! I almost cried, that was very sweet of him. :- ) I told him I was terribly sorry for all my prior meanness (of course the meanness must continue or else it would get weird.)
Then, I know I shouldn't have, I REALLY shouldn't have, but I did: since Kesh lives right near CJ now, I felt compelled to call over after leaving Kesh and see what was doing. I've ignored CJ successfully for months now, but a bug got in me and I didn't FEEL like calling it a night so soon; so I called, and he was excited to hear from me and invited me over. I stayed for hours. We got into tickle fights, played Battleship (we both messed it up somehow), Backgammon (I think I told him the wrong rules), watched our hometown Bills lose a game, watched the Simpsons, listened to Wilco and then I made him play me some Buddy Holly songs live (love that Buddy Holly!) He was on his "best" behavior so I appreciated it and I was more relaxed, so we had more fun overall. Yes, there was the kissy stuff, but I made it into a "funny game" where I tried to escape, so he only got to plant one or two on my lips. It was okay. Then he asked me to marry him and I had a good laugh over that.
CJ's okay, he just has too much physical affection to show--but I feel that we can make it through somehow if I stay firm about my position. I really do like CJ, honestly--we have a lot of fun when he's good; I'll visit him more often if he remains that way. Also, I found it endearing how he kept snuggling me while exclaiming excitedly, "My girl's back! My girl's back!" As if I had been gone for a hundred years. CJ has good energy so when he launches into that it can be very sweet and funny.
I just think it's funny that 5 years ago, I saw his band play and was overcome with admiration and fandom: now, I'm at his condo making him play songs lives and playing Battleship (as true Seinfeld fans, we made each other say "Boom!" everytime we sunk a ship.) I also named a stuffed racoon of his that he's going to use as a prop in this week's TV show (TWISH: This Week in Southern Hockey): Coony, I wanted to call him, but we agreed there were weird undertones to that so he changed it to Scoony.
I'm just glad to have a few friends back, also a great improvement in my health (God-given): let's hope I never forget Who gave it all back! (See Psalm 126)
Overall, a very good day!


At 5:14 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Ha ha! Yes, tickle fights are good sometimes, especially when you're getting smooched in a playful way while you're shrieking cutely to be set free and the guy's screeching back and the whole scene is one of playful insanity and you end up out of breath, red in the face and giggling manically. :- P
I'll bet you could get you-know-who in on one of those--the key is to get them watching a football game they care about, so they get very happy after a touchdown or something. Weird.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Oh boy, I am laughing out loud right now Sali about the Tickle Monster comment ::wiping tears of joy from eyes::
Yes, I too fear the TM (Tickle Monster) but if the person giving you the attack is good about knowing when to stop, it's bearable. But yes, just thinking about it gets me giddy and a little nervous.


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