Friday, May 06, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I finally saw Hotel Rwanda and recommend it. It's really depressing, however, so be prepared to cry throughout. If you see it, the story is very similiar to what happened between the Hausa and Igbo tribes in Nigeria in the 1960s. In that comparison, as you watch the movie, remember that Hausa vaguely = Hutu and Igbo vaguely = Tutsi. Then at the end when the Tutsi rebel army comes to the rescue, that would resemble the army UFO's dad fought in for the Igbo back some 40 years ago. Of course Hotel Rwanda is based on a true story and I'm not implying that the complex conflicts in Rwanda are the same as those in Nigeria today. Just making an analogy.


At 3:27 AM, Blogger Godam5 said...

I haven't yet seen Hotel Rwanda, but I've seen Sometimes in April.

Here's at least ONE review of Sometimes in April, and from the same site, here's one for Hotel Rwanda.

I plan on seeing Hotel Rwanda, regardless of what the critics there say.

Did you see the Academy Awards? Don Cheadle had a Best Actor nomination for his performance.

I'm Igbo, myself, but totally Americanized. :p Aloha.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Hey, you should post something on your blog! Awesome that you found mine--yes, see the movie and tell me what you think. You'll cry and be depressed for like a week afterwards though. You say you're Igbo--were you born in America, however? Have you visited Naija ever, and do you speak the language? My boyfriend sent me a bougu gown to wear--I look so silly in it but it's gorgeous.


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