Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The White Crown Suits Him

To work is to pray. I know that. So does St. Josemaria and Cardinal Francis Xavier. But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Also, as Father said: We are not supposed to be slaves to work.
That's why I need to set boundaries with my boss. There is more to my life than work and I'm neglecting all my other responsibilities and duties just to work. I'm making enough $ right now with the usual hours; I don't need to keep adding them on. Especially not when there are other workers who WANT more hours. Why am I always chosen?
I'm finally drawing the line at pagan practices. My boss keeps wanting to drag me to them for some reason. No more! (Hopefully. Sometimes I'm a coward and sometimes these things are sprung on me literally last moment.)
An email from my brother ZZ really strengthened me on this today. He left a relationship that was causing him to sin and cited Jesus' words that if an eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. I shot back at him the quote from a saint, "Flee from places of sin as from the plague." I'm very proud of him but I need to imitate him more. I know my boss is upset, but if she fires me I have a better job waiting for me in Feb. anyways.


At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter from the Monkees is going to be at Comic Con. :)


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