Monday, January 30, 2006

Something most of you might not know about me:
I have 3 brothers: one blood and two adopted (by me, individually, later in life.) Two of them are doctors and two of them are black. One is about 6'7" and two are about 5'7". They are all older than me. If you asked any of them whether they had a sister or not, they'd all claim to have me. It's so wonderful to have 3 brothers. All have been baptized Catholics, although two I really need to get after a lot. And two of them get after me a lot when I mess up too. Mainly the one I get after the most. I lecture him, he lectures me, he claims seniority since he's my elder, so he usually wins the arguments. I know how strange this sounds but it's true. You should adopt a brother sometime--it's a lot of work, but it's always fun to beef up your family. ;)


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