Friday, May 27, 2005

Hellhound on my Trail

(Robert Johnson reference) [he's a legendary bluesman.]
It was only a matter of time until I officially got into the blues. Not only do I have the blues, but I started listening to it on a regular basis. Considering that Blues Brothers is my all-time favorite movie, and I have a John Lee Hooker record, a Lightnin' Hopkins record (maybe?) and some Blind Willie Johnson songs, this thing's been on its way a good time now. Also, I wrote a bluesman into my latest story so I had to do some research, and wow, it's the funest research I ever had to do. I had to do the same thing back in high school for an early Gospel research project--now that was cool.
Last night was insane. For the past few years I've had chimney swifts in my chimney since the landlord hasn't capped the chimney. Last night it all came to a head when two of the babies got trapped in and didn't fly out with the others for some reason. Thank God E was here. We locked the dogs in the other room and brought the swifts out. They flew all around and eventually E got them each out by throwing a jacket over them and picking them up. Swifts are weird, they don't perch like other birds--instead they cling to verticle surfaces. So they'd cling to the walls high up where we couldn't get them, then tire out and fall to the carpet. I went to last night and discovered I'm doing nature a huge favor by lending my chimney out to them. I reported the sighting and everything to these swift nuts who track where the birds are migrating and love this sort of thing. I feel like I'm "in." :-P
IK and I irritated each other a good bit today, what else is new? I told him he was too controlling and demanding for me, and that I need someone more passive. He agreed just to be annoying and tried to make me call him. I told him he could sell ice cream to eskimos but he didn't get me this time. I've learned his little tricks! I wonder what happened to ZZ, but when I asked IK he told me ZZ'd gone to India. Grrr....


At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The swift story is very cool, and you certainly ARE "in"!

At 6:59 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Thanks, ha ha! You could be in too if only your chimney didn't have a cap on it...tsk tsk. Swifts all over the country might have you on their "swiftlist" (their version of blacklist.) I'd watch out! They seem to have sharp little claws that they use to cling to walls and stuff.

At 7:00 PM, Blogger The Kozak's Daughter said...

Mava you should have your own blog so I could comment on it. :)

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Renee, I have a journal and you are welcome to comment in it. although it is pretty boring, not fun like your blog. I'll try to do better.


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