Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Random Daydream

Emeka and I buy a ranch in Arizona, somewhere near Robyn Hitchcock (ha! just kidding there), and a few horses and dogs to go along with it (well, in addition to P and G.) I teach riding lessons on the side and in the cool evenings Emeka and I hop on horseback and ride through some trails surrounding our home. In the days, I'm writing and recording and he's inventing. Hopefully his inventions are working better than the way most inventors are painted in the movies. In addition to inventing he also goes into businesses and makes their energy more efficient. But mainly when I see him at the ranch he's tinkering with some project or another, and hopefully by this time A. has come over and for some reason lives in Arizona as well. He comes over with his family and helps Emeka tinker and build and draw up plans. Meanwhile, a gaggle of kids are running all over the place because of course we school them at home and of course between our family and A.'s there are like 17 of them within the first five years. Oh, well, I mean Chinasa has moved to Arizona as well, and my brother lives just across the way in San Diego, so added all up the kids would be about 17. :) So they run all over the place, and they're basically in my charge since my brother's a doc, Chinasa's a vet, and A.'s an engineer like his brother.
That's just fine. All of us who live in Arizona (sorry, Zak) get up early and crowd up the morning Masses; then breakfast; then school; then lunch (Emeka can make this because I know he can't stand American cuisine); then school; then family prayer time (oohwee); then dinner (ummm...Emeka? Chinasa?); then games, relaxing, reading, whatever--oh yeah, our trail rides; then sleep. On the weekends I make my brother bring his family by and I hope by then my mom's consented to move near Sue, Bob and I (hey! instant friends!) So it's a big family get together constantly which is great because with 17 kids between us all, we'll need the help.
And my novels and stories get published and I play music with Emeka singing sometimes, and who knows what happens with that, what I WANT to happen, etc. but we're also Lay Franciscans so I guess we'd have our work cut out with that as well. Hmm.... Oh yeah and Emeka creates a lucrative invention that sets us all up but as Franciscans we can't keep more than we need. Oh well, with so many kids I guess we'd still need a lot. What else? Oh! I forgot to mention Igbocowboy! He wears this cowboy hat and a cool wrangler shirt with a belt buckle you wouldn't believe and those boots. Well...not all the time. But I make him wear them on our trail rides.
And somewhere along the way I got my PhD so I teach. I guess that means our ranch needs to be near the University of Arizona. Or if there's a Catholic College anywhere nearby. I'll have to check on that. Whew. :)
I love daydreaming....

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Out of This World

Cindy I couldn't post a comment unfortunately so I'll just say here that I miss you too! And that's cool we both have the little white books. I haven't looked at mine yet, thank you soo much for reminding me!
I'm so glad UFOs are real. This month has been one of the busiest and also hardest for me in a long time, and I couldn't have made it through without my UFO. Today I shocked the daylight out of him by actually getting through to Anu's cell phone. I think he was in a stairwell because I could actually HEAR him jumping up and down! heehee He was so excited he could hardly speak. I myself was so excited I kept thinking he was Anu. I like how I always get blamed for having the indistinguishable accent! :- P
We found out that we had both watched the exact same EWTN broadcast on Easter--the same one Papa watched as well from his room. Aw!
I thank God I finally got through to Anu's cell because the last 2 nights have been rough, so rough that I was spending an hour or two before bed just looking at UFO photos and bawling my eyes out. Before that, I was sitting on the sofa wishing I had two chocolatey arms holding me tight. Pretty awful. Then around 2am I'd be figuring I should be able to get through, but I'd get scared. All this because two days had passed since I'd heard from him. But come on people, it was EASTER--the most important day of the year!!! Anyways, UFO wasn't what I was upset about--he was just supposed to calm me down. He did that today. I was even calm enough to contact two of the people I'm hot at. Wait. Three. Wow. Those UFOs are truly out of this world!

Monday, March 28, 2005


I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. As for me, SF and I went to buy Easter clothes and I got this pretty orange dress and called BS for the first time in months. I'll be visiting her this week. I ended up wearing that orange dress, with blue sandals and my blue and yellow Ukie shirt with a big floppy Cubbies hat to Mass. LG said I looked "free like in the 60s." Hmm, thanks? At least I didn't wear my cowgirl hat! Speaking of cowgirls, LG and I called Texas then I went to the Easter Vigil (and got LG to come too somehow!) It was lovely, especially the bonfire and then the Litany of the Saints. LG and I lit our candles for Jessica. Then a friend and I stayed out late to have ice cream and just talk, so I didn't get home until around midnight. Then on Easter Sunday I didn't have too many people to call since I'd made my family rounds the day before. I watched Fried Green Tomatoes (perfect) then was late for dinner at a friend's house (sorry but I was doing other stuff while watching the movie!) Dinner was awesome to say the least and I even got more chocolate to bring home (thanks!) Then I was invited to a late Easter Sunday Mass and figured, why not? So we all went down to Mass at St. Joseph's this time and I made it through all right. I know I'm missing a lot of stuff (mainly having to do with chocolate binges) but this is the general idea with highlights. Of course I prayed for you all. Even if I'm not so hip to you right now, I prayed for you.


Actually what happened was that Cletus and John went off on their session but before Dr. Brazil got to them (an assistant must have been with them), he stayed in the office and had three goons come to get rid of Lauren, Patrick and Tony. There was a fight and when the dust settled nothing else was settled. Little Maurine practically had a heart attack! The goons left to ask Dr. Brazil what to do and they probably would have called the cops but in walked this business man for his appointment and when Dr. Brazil returned with the thugs, and holding a RIFLE, they had to be nice. It would have been funny had he not been holding that thing.


Once I saw a UFO/ so beautiful and don't you know/ he bowed his head to talk to me/ he set me free from reality/ although I knew all along/ perhaps it would turn out all wrong/ I had to pull him down to earth/ to fill my life so racked with dearth/ I tried to make him understand/ the ways and life of this new land/ communicate in my strange tongue/ for I was naive, very young/ and he, so very handsome, made/ me weak and daily gave me aid/ in all my problems, tears and stress/ since my life had been a mess/ he told me not to worry so/ whenever I thought he might go/ but slowly I knew he would yen/ for his home beyond my small ken/ perhaps I saw it before he/ or maybe he knew I would be/ better off not knowing till/ he left during a night so still/ one thing I know and do believe/ though at times he yearns to leave/ when he puts his hand in mine/ I see his bright eyes near me shine/ and whether he may stay or fly/ up into the ocean sky/ matters not, for his heart, I know/ remains with mine where're he'll go....

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Please read this post then obviously disregard it in your mind

Cletus tricked everyone into going to Sedona, but what they didn't know was that Dr. Brazil was there! Then he got John to go into the HQ with him and once they were there they signed a contract saying they wouldn't leave or see anyone until their session was up! Patrick and Tony were fuming but Dr. Brazil wouldn't be messed with. He's like 350lbs and mean. Worse than a car salesman. So Cletus and John are going to get this quacky tour of the monoliths and probably smoke something powerful while repeating those lunatic sentences. Then Cletus is going to want to STAY in Sedona with Dr. Brazil and John's actually going to DEFEND this plan of action, can you believe it? It's going to make things mighty interesting when the band meet up with Paul Riley at Happening Lane and explain they don't have a keyboardist/bassist and are fighting with their singer. Ooh I can't wait, ooh ooh ooh!

A Little Green and A Little Quiet

*3 songs sketched out for Jess's album!*
My blog would be so much more interesting and explanatory if I could only expose to all the net world the personal happenings of people I know and see on a regular basis. Yet, since I cannot, I must refrain from that intimacy.
I almost left town twice this weekend, now it looks like I'll be staying here.
HAPPY EASTER! Hurrah! Lucy and Carolyn sent me the COOLEST Easter gifts imaginable! Thanks! Awwww.... More on that later (you'll see what LG and I have planned for y'all.)
More work to get done (I can't believe I slacked SO MUCH this week)--although it would have been worth it just to go down to Pinellas Park anyway and at least be THERE while it all went down. First they went after adults, then kids, now handicapped adults. I guess I shouldn't be so worried about UFO being in Nigeria where they stone people. Once he's here, he could get STARVED if only he got into an accident, or hey, just being black in most states here is considered reason for execution anyway. Wow! I just convinced myself to move to Africa for the wedding. Cindy, would you be a bridesmaid in Nigeria? :) Because obviously you're going to be my bridesmaid too! Even if I can't be yours...grumble grumble....

"Every morning I wake up at 7:30 and walk outside and all my chickens are laying down with their legs up."
"Mr. Wilson, your chickens are dead."

"Look at this place! You'd need an interior decorator just to condemn it! Look at that table. Look at that lamp. Look at that person! You really think a lot of yourself don't you?"
"Yeah well I'm all I have."

Sunday, March 20, 2005


I haven't forgotten, Jessica. I love you, Athens loves you, we all do!
And Lucy, you know I'm honored to be embarking on this album, co-written by such a talented lyricist. :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tracktion 2 where are you?

Love you, Lucy!!! I'm soooo happy you like the song and want to embark on the album!!! I am definitely excited about that and will get to work on it at once. The Monkees used to don crazy superhero suits and yell "Monkee-men!" when they needed to get a job done. I guess in this case it's "Planet-girl/boy to the rescue!"

Aight everyone I haven't had any time to be online so I'm sorry but I can't post much right now. Hopefully next week I'll be freed up a little more.

In recent news, thanks to a lead by Lucy, I think Cletus is going to hold off on telling Lauren (Holly) he loves her and instead get lost in Sedona, AZ, a new age mecca that's right up his alley. I suspect Mickey will be somehow involved in this alhtough he's still in Califonia.
Stay tuned....

Tracktion 2, where are you?
I once was happy, now I'm blue
I figured once early March came
I wouldn't have my PC to blame
However now you're running late
This I don't appreciate
The recording quality is still messy
As everyone who hears can see
So hurry up, get on the move
You have nothing really to lose
I'll buy you quick and install you
You know it's right, you know it's true!
Tracktion 2!

Mackie is just a little wacky.

Monday, March 14, 2005

True story/Untrue story

True story. The Mamas and the Papas would have never been the same had a pipe not fallen on Mama Cass's head. Cass was a friend of Denny's and she liked to hang around but Papa John wouldn't have her in the group. It won't work, he said, because her range is an octave and a half too low. I can't write around that. Then one evening Cass was standing around in a club and a workman dropped a pipe on her head. She went to the hospital and when she got out her voice was an octave and a half higher. True story.
What's not a true story is that she died eating a ham/beef/pork/insert meat product here sandwich. She died in her sleep of a heart attack.

Monday, March 07, 2005

HAPPY Sts. Perpetua and Felicity!

Check your email, Cindy, you know I coulnd't forget you on your patron's feast day. :-P

Sunday, March 06, 2005

My Billy Joel???! :-P

Wow, I turned on the Oldies station, CBS FM (Cindy the one you listen to, "from the top of the Empire State Building") and this song came on. I know the song but I didn't know it was by Billy Joel. Ah well, every songwriter's got his day. :) But seriously, check out these lyrics--how lovely.

Got a call from an old friend
We used to be real close
Said he couldn't go on the American way
Closed the shop, sold the house
Bought a ticket to the West Coast
Now he gives them a stand-up routine in L.A.
I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life
Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone
I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong, don't get me wrong
And you can speak your mind
But not on my time
They will tell you you can't sleep alone
In a strange place
Then they'll tell you you can't sleep
With somebody else
Ah, but sooner or later you sleep
In your own space
Either way it's okay
You wake up with yourself
I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright
I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life
Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone
I never said you had to offer me a second chance
I never said I was a victim of circumstance
I still belong, don't get me wrong
And you can speak your mind
But not on my time
I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life
Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Today the Supreme Court ruled that murderers who have committed their crimes before 18 years of age can NO LONGER be executed. This is a MAJOR victory in the anti-DP fight and of course I'm filled with emotion as it affects me personally. One of my friends walks off death row today.
Thank you to all the anti-DPers who wrote letters, emails, made phone calls, and marched for years to make this day finally happen. Thank you to all the family members of both prisoners and victims, who raised loud voices in opposition to the juvenile death penalty.
Kenyatta Kwame Miles, my dear special friend, RIP. You would have been going home today....
I love you, Ron-Ron loves you, Kevin loves you, and I know you're rejoicing from the sky. You just got to a better Home earlier than everyone else.

Now, as for me, today, I know to expect a flood of emails and letters and phone calls, so I'd better get on the move. It's time to celebrate and I have a very important letter to write. :)