Monday, November 29, 2004


Well, here's the answer, folks. I yelled at him for over an hour non-stop, he took it rather well considering the situation. He didn't 100% understand my point but agreed not to send me anymore stuff like that; then he said he was hungry and wanted to make dinner and a cake with me.
Ah, friends. I feel like a kid whose buddy lives next door and you argue rabidly over something for an hour but later that day you get a knock on the door and it's "Do you want to play?"
Probably this will come back to haunt me in a later argument, also I'll have to bring it up in Confession for certain since I'm sure there were better avenues for tackling the situation; however, all's peaceful on the warfront for now and I'm grateful. :)

Sunday, November 28, 2004

I've learned something

I've learned that you have to change the way you "reason" with people depending on who they are individually. One size does not fit all. Therefore, in my email to my friend who has been pestering me for months now via email about how crummy anyone who believes in God is, I had to format a special method of speaking. First, I had tried writing him a long, nice, understanding email--he told me I was "overreacting." Therefore, when today, I saw he had emailed me yet another hardcore anti-God article (this time specifically anti-Catholic), I decided, deliberately, to respond in a manner more fitting to the type of person he is. This is how he speaks, so now I'm communicating in a language he'll understand finally. I wrote:
what the F***!? are you nuts? do you not realize that I am a Catholic!? Still? And you have known me HOW LONG!? Do not send anymore emails like this because from now on I will delete your stuff without even opening it. I've reached maximum boiling point with this crap. You're just a big bigot and these articles are bigoted too. You are far more a Nazi than ANY Christian-Right-Winger and you make me want to vote Rep.s in office more than anyone else I've ever met. If you tell me I'm overracting I'll try not to hang out with you anymore either. If you try to annoy ANYone this much for this long they'll snap. I've put up with MORE than a saint's worth of your intolerant Nazi/Commie crap! I'll tell you this in person and on the phone too but I want it in writing so you can get it from all directions. Apparently until now you have NOT gotten the point!??? I'm not mad at you, I know how you are, but enough is enough and so STOP IT. If you've got this much a problem with me and what I believe you can just not see or talk to me anymore. That'd be better for the BOTH of us if you're THIS hardlined against me/the belief. NO MORE!
I rarely like riots or fights but even St. Francis used an explative against Satan and Jesus coolly made a whip to drive the money changers out of the Temple. Maximum boiling point indeed.
Needless to say, I'll keep y'all updated on where this goes. I'll bet he either:
a) buckles under my surpringly fierce defense, or
b) throws a big tiff, tells me I'm insane, and ignores me for a month until he doesn't care anymore.
Which one will it be!? Oh boy, I can't wait to find out. We'll know by tonight.
In other news, went to Mass with CJ and his parents today, then out to Jittery Joe's afterward. There was talk of visiting FL together which would be nice. Yeah, yeah, my dating past and present is like a UN meeting.... :) If anyone thinks it's ironic that I just got back from Mass and then cussed a friend out, think again. As in everything, I might have done it "better"--but by and large I really feel that the "just war" theory is coming into play.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Yeah, he and I are trying out this lame Friendster-esque site....
But look at that "pose"! He must be being cute on purpose! You have to know both the gentle personality merged with the cuteness though to appreciate the fullness of the cuteness. :)


Sigh. At the major risk of coming off as intensely boy-crazy, I will say that my feelings for FC are at an all-time high. Maybe it has something to do with the new photo of himself (with glasses!) that he just sent me. I don't know. FC and I have known each other off and on for about 2 years now. He's absolutely perfect, but of course he's TOO perfect hence, we aren't married already with 9 kids. I know I've mentioned like 5 guys on here already, but honestly, FC is one of only about 2 or 3 guys I've ever felt I might be able to make a commitment to someday. However, though FC counts himself as one of my closest friends, he's never had a girlfriend, toyed with the idea of becoming a priest for a while, and now he finds himself back at home in...Nigeria. That's right folks. I'm gaga over a guy who is now finishing his college degree in Nigeria. You can't even send a letter to Nigeria without paying almost 10$ (and it never arrives anyway.) The place is violent and corrupt and I worry about him every day he's over there. To make matters worse, it's FC's older BROTHER who's interested in me; after that happened, FC definitely didn't want to get involved since in that culture an elder brother is to be ultra-respected. But I don't like the older brother, I like FC. That messed things up way back a year ago and then I got very distraught and ignored FC for like a month because it was killing me to be around him but not date him. I know that sounds selfish and crazy and it was, but when I say I'm gaga over FC, I mean it. And I get weird when I get gaga apparently.
Anyway, FC sent me a new photo of him and now I have my hopes up yet again that maybe something will happen between us, even across the waters, etc. (he's not going to stay in Nigeria forever!--he has about a year to go on his degree). He also invited me over to visit and stay with his family, but my mom won't have it since it's so nuts over there right now. I'd probably be all right but my mom really would freak out, even though she's heard great things about FC.
I'm going to see if I can post a photo of him up here so y'all can see and behold the sweetness that is FC.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Turkey Madness!

Whoa. What a feast. I am totally and utterly stuffed and probably weigh about a zillion pounds at the moment. Thank God (for real) I had a good Thanksgiving--I think there was a curse on me for a while there: one year I got a nasty virus and spent the whole day puking; then another year I went to Ryan's with friends but ended up getting groped at this guy's house randomly afterward while his parents watched (Keshie saw it all, in horror!) :- ) So finally I got a good one in there!
E and I were invited over to D and L (the couple who owns Clocked)'s house for Thanksgiving, and before getting there we assumed it was going to be a crowded affair. But when we came, it was just them and their family! It turned out to be really family-like and great fun. Keep in mind that since D and L run a restauarnt, all the food was five star. Yum! Even I couldn't get enough of the turkey, it came out perfect. But there was too much food and I couldn't help myself. I ate and ate and then they had all this wine and noooo I didn't drink a lot (probably only half a glass the whole night) but it was delicious! Then someone had the idea to bring out Trivial Pursuit. E and I got on a team and were in the lead for a moment or two (I got a Pope question right, of course, while E got everything pop culture related.) But then we got hurled some crazy question about: After the USSR broke up, which country became the biggest country that doesn't border an ocean? WHAT!? I guessed Ukraine, a good guess, but it was Khazakstan. Ah well. There was come cheating going on as well, on the OTHER teams, hah hah. But to our credit, E and I consistently got the questions right that were given to the other teams. :)
Then, L's stepmom mentioned some Christian stuff because she runs an org. for Christian youth and that made me happy. L said when her stepmom gets together with her coworkers they talk about "Jesus and wine" and I couldn't resist saying, "Oh, well you know we Catholics are obsessed with Jesus and wine!" Then someone found my St. Joseph cord and I had to explain what that is--(Cindy you know how this goes.) It always ends up with me not really explaining it well at all so no one really understands what it is anyway, and then there's a moment of silence before we move on. ha ha!
So we spent at least 7 and a half hours over there actually, and I didn't have time to visit some other friends I thought I might. But there's always next year! Also, it made me feel good that when I turned my phone back on after coming home, I found a bunch of texts from friends and voice messages. Yay! Even my Brit boy had remembered it was that crazy US holiday.
Well, I'm still out of it and don't really feel like doing anything productive today, but I suppose I'll snap out of that in a few hours. Don't think I'll be hungry for a century or two, however. :)
Happy Thanksgiving y'all! Belated, I know, but still--EVERY day should be Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Here's the next installment, gals, although I'm not sure it's so good as the last two....

The three divas huddled together on the golden shore of St. Augustine, looking anxiously out across the ocean into the turbulent waters. Katie trotted over to them and sat woefully at their feet, lifting her eyebrows in an attempt to look cute and somehow dispel the worries of the morning. But the ladies were not to be calmed.
Psyche especially seemed riled; she left the huddle to begin pacing back and forth near the water's edge, almost daring some invisible force to come reckon with her. Venus and Aphrodite watched her with mounting concern.
"I trusted him!" Psyche howled with rage, "I trusted this to him and look how he treats me." She whipped her head back around to survey her companions. "Do you believe this, girls?"
"Well," Aphrodite began tentatively, "it might not be so bad."
"Are you kidding me?!" Psyche growled at the injustice surrounding her. "If either of you knew the fullness of the situation, you'd think differently."
"Now that we're here, however," Venus commented, "we might as well do with it what we can. Problem solve."
The others nodded but didn't seem convinced. Aphrodite was still holding the bottle that had washed ashore rather disdainfully. Venus fixed her eyes on it and examined it for a moment, then grasped it in her fingers, holding it up toward the rising sun's rays. She paused thoughtfully for a moment, then opened her lips to speak, but was silenced by Psyche.
"There's no good in that," Psyche warned, "You'll only make it worse. Let's throw it back out to sea."
"Wait," Venus said quickly, snatching the bottle back from Psyche's outstretched hand. "You saw what was in here, right?"
Both of her friends nodded with solid frowns.
"A lot of good sand does us," Aphrodite snapped under her breath.
"On a seashore, no less," Psyche added ruefully. She made another fist and shook it for good measure at the vast ocean.
"But girls," Venus stated, her eyes glowing so brightly, she could hardly conceal her growing excitement. "What if this isn't normal sand, but--"
"Normal sand?" Psyche repeated dubiously, "What else but normal sand!?"
Venus tipped the bottle over so that the few grains left inside trickled into her palm. She guarded them carefully, cupping her other hand over the first.
"Does anybody know what day it is?" Venus asked with a grin.
"I think it's Friday," Aphrodite answered slowly. But something was beginning to dawn on her as well. Psyche, too, though still irked, appeared to be thinking deeply and tilted her head as she watched Venus holding the sand.
"Is it Friday?" Psyche inquired rhetorically. Now she was smiling as well.
For her part, Katie stood up and began wagging her tail, noticing the change in the divas' mood.
"What if we had been sent. . . ," Aphrodite began with a twinkle in her eye. Then the others finished the question with her: ". . . the sands of time!?"

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Happy Christ the King!

Happy Christ the King, my favorite Feast Day--also, the Catholic New Year! :- )
Here is a prayer for today:
Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart
Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the human race,
look down upon us as we kneel before your altar.
We are yours and desire always to belong to you;
but to be more surely united with you,
we freely consecrate ourselves today to your most Sacred Heart.
Many indeed have never known you;
many too, have despised your teaching and rejected you.
Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your Sacred Heart.
Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you,
but also of the prodigal sons and daughters who have abandoned you;
grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house
lest they suffer the eternal sorrow of being separated from you.
Be King, O Lord, of those who are deceived by false teachings,
or separated by discord,
and call them back to the community of truth and unity of faith,
so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.
Grant to your Church, O Lord, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm;
give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound with one acclamation:
Praise to the divine Heart that won our salvation;
to It be glory and honour for ever and ever. Amen.

All went well last night. I got E Smile and A Ghost is Born and we stayed up late listening to them over and over again. Both are excellent, especilly Smile--the 40 year wait for such a record was worth it!!! E said it was a great b-day so that made me happy. We even baked a nice chocolate cake and we got to see a Star Wars trailer he wanted to see.
Thanksgiving is on its way. It looks like I'll be going to an early celebration at a friend's house (get together type thing) and then in the evening over to another friend's house because his parents are visiting. Home cooked meals, yay!
My Brit boy is standing in line waiting for the U2 record to be relased in England and he keeps texting me to update me on what's up. There's a rumor floating about that U2 will show up, but it's probably bogus. In any case, it's cute he's texting me because about 2 years ago he and I MET in a line waiting for a U2 product to come out. So he's wishing I was there to keep him company this time and I wish I were there too. It looks like snow in the UK. :- )
Soon he'll be in the States anyway and *gasp* here to see me. I can hardly wait.
Thank God I was never interested in Sebby. :- )
Out to Mass, hurrah!

Conclusion of Sebby Saga

This is the conclusion of the Sebby saga. From here onwards I shall not mention him again. Let me clear the smoke in the room: I was never interested in Sebby.
I may have talked about Sebby, I may have thought about Sebby. I may have even daydreamed about Sebby from time to time and written sweet songs for Sebby.
But I was never truly interested in Sebby.
Perhaps there were moments I thought we could get something going, but those thoughts were wistful and in the back of my mind.
I was never interested in Sebby.
Maybe there was a time (I'm not really sure) when I thought, "Wow, all my problems have been solved--look! I'll be with Sebby!" But even then, I was never fooled by the situation with Sebby. That's because....
I was never interested in Sebby.
So, case closed, finished, done--I shall never think about or talk about or write about Sebby again.
I was never interested in Sebby--I'm sure not now!
Did I mention I was never interested in Sebby?

Saturday, November 20, 2004


It's E's bee-day today, I got him a PS2 game and a CD. He didn't want anything more because he owes me $. Ah well. I bought the CD without him knowing it.
So, I'll be busy with that today. Thank God I weaseled out of that concert tonight. OK OK I know I weasel out of things that I shouldn't, but believe me people, this is one thing I was right to weasel out of! You'd have weaseled too!
It's snowing in London, or so my Brit boy tells me. He wants me to move in with him up in NYC but I dunno about that. I like him and all, but....
This is really weird but somehow I've been busy beyond belief these past two weeks. I can't even find enough time to do leisure reading before bedtime because I get so exhausted. People are always asking what I DO since I'm not really pegged into one particular job right now--believe me, I FIND things.
I can spend several hours a day just running around doing prison work, or sitting at home writing response letters or emails or maintaining the live journal for Osiris or the website. Then, in the time I'm not doing that, I'm recording music so that we will have some better sounding recordings for future films and demos to send out. When I'm not doing THAT I'm gabbing away with somebody, or playing eternal phone tag with Sebby. (Just as proof, by the way, that I really don't try to avoid calls, let me tell you that there's no one I'd rather speak to than Sebby right now, and we've played phone tag for about 2 weeks straight.)
I'm also polishing up some of the novels I've written because I'm in contact with a couple agents who need me to submit polished portions of my work ASAP so I can try and get published. I know the piece I'm going to run with, but wow do I hope I'm making the right choice. Every piece is really different, and I was going to go with this weird Southern tale about a young boy falling in love with a girl older than him who ends up killing herself and her unborn baby (it's HARSH, folks) but then I thought that one too boring. Honestly, I wanted to give them something relatively tame for my first work, but when I went back over my longer pieces, I found out that my heart belongs to one called "American Hostage." THAT one won't buy me any friends. It's a non-sequencial, almost stream of consciousness one where an inner city black guy about my age is holding a hostage in his apartment; the cops are outside waiting to storm him. He's got a .38 Colt in his hands and while he's waiting for the cops to bust him, he thinks back over his life and how he got to where he's at. Slowly, you learn how he made the decisions he did and WHO his hostage is (she's not just a pitiful character after all!)
It's a neat story because he has random flashbacks while the police are bullhorning info. up to him and you don't really sympathize with him, but you learn that the title has two meanings: he's got a hostage, yet he's a hostage in his own country anyway. I like the concept because I could just fly with it unhindered and from the get go he narrates what he's going to do with that gun he's holding: he's going to wait until the cops come up, then kill a cop, then the hostage, then himself. Yet all the violence is only in the back of his mind and the mind of the reader. Really, it's more emotional and philosophical. I got the idea from an old QL episode (ha ha) and from situations that have actually happened to people I know.
I say it won't win me any friends because some people are going to say I am sympathizing with killers; others will say I'm not being sympathetic ENOUGH (the narrator really is conscious of all the evil he does, and uncompromising). Also, there's the race issue, I make whites and non-whites look bad at times and great at others. Then there's the religious aspect, where I have him overtly denying God although he recognizes God at one point.
I'll post some of it up here.
Wow this is wayyy too long--now E's here! Gotta run!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Sad Panda

Ooh, my Brit boy just IMed me but I had my away message on, so he wrote : NOOOOOO YOU'RE AWAYYYYY
and then:
that makes me a sad panda. :'-(
Ha ha ha! What!? Aw, shaddup, you know it's cute (what, am I arguing with mySELF on this blog now?! Apparently blogs expose insanity...well, that's good, at least I'll know what I'm dealing with.)
I get asked a lot what a blog is (by old people and prisoners, my two favorite demographics), and after I explain it I walk away confused again. My Brit boy assures me that practically no one he knows does this sotra thing, or IMs either. He says if you want to know what's up with someone, you pick up the phone and tell them to meet you at a pub, the good old fashioned sort of way. He thinks Americans are crazy. I tell him, at least we don't say "on the hob" and pronounce "schedule" like "shejool." He denies the whole shejool thing but I know how it is. They also get dressed up for any occassion and wear nice shiny shoes, and even he does it and quite frankly, that's zany. EEK! Now I can't send him to this blog! Good! I only let you gals read it. :- ) Anyway, if he is so freaked out by us "Yanks," as he calls us, why is he moving here in January then? Hmmm. I think people love us but love to pretend to hate us.
U2 has a new record coming out! Yay!
I went to Mass yesterday and Fr. Jack was awesome as always, he understood I was sick and not coming around much on account of that. Plus, it was the Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the patroness of the lay Franciscans. Fr. Jack wore a vestment with a tao cross on it.
E fought with me last night on account of the fact that he forwarded me some article on email by people who *I* think are biased against anyone religious. I told him I wasn't hard-lined against anyone who was religious, at least I can find common ground on the whole God exists thing. But he's just mad about politics in general right now and told me I was over-reacting--then I probably did over-react because there's nothing worse than someone telling you you're not calm when you really are. All this and I had just gotten home from Confession feeling clean. :(
Ah well, today's a new day. E and I fight like siblings. We'll say all sorts of mean things to one another then randomly the topic gets shifted to "Are you hungry? Let's eat" or "Want to go to the mall?" Therefore, today, we go to the mall. Later gators! Oops, I mean, er, Bulldawgs! Woof! Woof!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Film stars

Hi everybody! Visit , it's my Brit "boyfriend"'s film company site that just got put up (so excuse the construction.) But it's cool because he's using one of our songs on the soundtrack of his newest short film Domino, and I'm excited about that. We might do a soundtrack for him, but we need to finish recording on better equipment this year first.
This week is crazy! Not only do I have a ton of work to do, but Sat. is going to be E's birthday and he deserves something nice--however, that was the date I was supposedly doing a show with V. I think I weaseled out of that, though, so I can spend time with E. I plan on getting him a PS2 game or something, taking him out to dinner, and maybe watching a Star Wars movie with him. He's easy to please!
I still feel weird and confused about the CJ thing. I don't think I should even let him get "cute" with me. But I do like playing Battleship and Backgammon.... I told E last night at dinner that if he were a better friend and indulged my weird obsessions with board games more often I wouldn't have to deal with CJ!
How come no one plays board games anymore???
Last night entailed weird outings at Wal-Mart and Vision Video.
Well, I gotta run--Cindy hurry up that story!!! heehee
Much love to all---I gotta get myself to Confession and Mass tonight.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Deja vu

Well well well, today was a productive day--after seeing the baby, I met Keshie for dinner at Loco's and then saw his new place. He brought me back a journal from India to put song lyrics in! AWWWWWwwwww!!! I almost cried, that was very sweet of him. :- ) I told him I was terribly sorry for all my prior meanness (of course the meanness must continue or else it would get weird.)
Then, I know I shouldn't have, I REALLY shouldn't have, but I did: since Kesh lives right near CJ now, I felt compelled to call over after leaving Kesh and see what was doing. I've ignored CJ successfully for months now, but a bug got in me and I didn't FEEL like calling it a night so soon; so I called, and he was excited to hear from me and invited me over. I stayed for hours. We got into tickle fights, played Battleship (we both messed it up somehow), Backgammon (I think I told him the wrong rules), watched our hometown Bills lose a game, watched the Simpsons, listened to Wilco and then I made him play me some Buddy Holly songs live (love that Buddy Holly!) He was on his "best" behavior so I appreciated it and I was more relaxed, so we had more fun overall. Yes, there was the kissy stuff, but I made it into a "funny game" where I tried to escape, so he only got to plant one or two on my lips. It was okay. Then he asked me to marry him and I had a good laugh over that.
CJ's okay, he just has too much physical affection to show--but I feel that we can make it through somehow if I stay firm about my position. I really do like CJ, honestly--we have a lot of fun when he's good; I'll visit him more often if he remains that way. Also, I found it endearing how he kept snuggling me while exclaiming excitedly, "My girl's back! My girl's back!" As if I had been gone for a hundred years. CJ has good energy so when he launches into that it can be very sweet and funny.
I just think it's funny that 5 years ago, I saw his band play and was overcome with admiration and fandom: now, I'm at his condo making him play songs lives and playing Battleship (as true Seinfeld fans, we made each other say "Boom!" everytime we sunk a ship.) I also named a stuffed racoon of his that he's going to use as a prop in this week's TV show (TWISH: This Week in Southern Hockey): Coony, I wanted to call him, but we agreed there were weird undertones to that so he changed it to Scoony.
I'm just glad to have a few friends back, also a great improvement in my health (God-given): let's hope I never forget Who gave it all back! (See Psalm 126)
Overall, a very good day!

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Baby Ann was just soooo cute and sweet, she looks like her older sister did when she was younger. I came bearing gifts (not gold or myrrh, but a chew toy and card and sippy cups, etc) and older sis read Curious George to me and a book about the Button family. I could've stayed all day, then 'ima made it known she was getting sleepy! Back on the road--I'm really happy I was able to get out of town on my own accord. A month ago I was hesitant to walk around the block! I still give thanks to the Archangels, novenas WORK, people! :- )
K left me a hilarious message at 6am this morning. He was STILL up from partying and left me this long thing about how he knew I would be sleeping but I'm a rock star so I should be up, etc. Then he pulled out the whole "Jesus said to stay awake with Him in the Garden, c'mon, why are you sleeping?" just to be funny, and it was the first thing I heard when I woke up and I couldn't stop laughing. Talk about a good start on the day. K's crazy and he knows it--if he were just a little more innocent and cuter I'd be all over that relationship, but ah well, I have to call 'em as I see 'em.
Now I'm talking to V and he's not mentioning the gig so I'm hoping I'm off the hook but I won't be certain until this weekend really. I'm nuts!
I'm NOT calling Sebby until he contacts ME. Yes, it's all about the ego trip!
I gotta make Mass tonight...

Diva Story

Sali, Cindy, boy these posts are a lot better now--Cindy, er, Psyche, write yourself into the plot and liven it up. Or Sali, er, Aphrodite, you can create the character and put her where you think she belongs. We can rotate scenes, one of you take it next, then the next one, then I'll get it back and hopefully do a better job.
Hurrah! We're back in business!

Oh what a wonderful world....

Yes, Sali! Please make a blog! Cindy and I will post on it, it'd be a grand ol' time! It'll let me know what's goin' on up there with you in VA. :- )
Still no word from Sebby, but Francis Chuks is being very friendly and getting my hopes up again. Don't know how THAT will pan out, I'm very wary of that whole thing, but I enjoy his company so I take it. I'm still avoiding his brother though. I get bad vibes off that guy and it makes the whole me-Chuks thing very strange where it shouldn't be.
SV wants to put a band together and I was excited until I heard he booked a show for this weekend. Now I'm nervous because we haven't even practiced one song yet and I feel he wants to take this on tour with a real band very soon. I like SV and he's a great musician, but I feel I'd rather do stuff with *my* band since I know he'll hog he well should for his talent...but still. I've gotten very stubborn about *my* way lately and I'm not sure if his ego and mine will be able to coexist peaceably together for long. Also, I just became okay with leaving my house again, how do I expect to stand up on stage in a spotlight in less than a week?! As always, I didn't put my foot down firmly enough at the beginning so now I reap those bitter rewards.... I know anyone else in my postition might be happy, but I'm a strange one.
Tomorrow I go to see B's newest addition to the family: I bought a bunch of baby toys (baby shopping is my favorite!) and a camera to take a bunch of pictures. It should be fun--of course I'm terrified at the prospect of driving *gasp* out of town, but I plan to leave early and then get back here early, so if there's any trouble I won't be stranded in the dark. Yes, this is paranoia, I know!

Friday, November 12, 2004


Sali, I'm so pleased you are visiting me here (and I KNOW you'll be visiting Cindy's blog as well....) that I'm going to continue our fan-fic! Everyone else who is new to this phenomenon, suffice it to say, um, yeah, Venus is me (cough) and Aphrodite is Sali. Did I get that right? I always mess it up! But I think I'm right. :- )
To get everyone caught up, our heroic divas are trapped in their underground lair with only Katie the super-dog to protect them. A dashing Professor Snape has come in and given the beautiful Aphrodite some sort of love-potion in her tea. She has gone gaga for him (her true feelings, perhaps?) and now it's up to Venus and the super-dog to save her from doing something she might regret later. Let's tune in and see what our favorite vixens are up to....

"Oh Snape! I've wanted you from the first time I read The Philosopher's Stone!" Aphrodite cooed into her captor's ear. From across the room, Venus stared menacingly at the scene unfolding in front of her. The gorgeous professor was hunky, yes, but the plot must not fall into his hands!
"Aphrodite, let me help you in your plans," Snape said daringly. He was holding the diva tightly around her waist and pulling her closer.
"I'll tell you everything, you charmer," Aphrodite cried, "You wouldn't meddle in our activities anyway, would you?" She was giggling now and running her finger over his chin playfully. But Snape's black eyes were full of malice and Venus didn't like the look of it at all. She paused in thought and then, when it seemed the two lovebirds were about to fully embrace, she leaped forward and clasped Snape's shoulder firmly.
But at that moment, something incredible happened: Venus, too, became enraptured with the man and began staring starry-eyed at his face from behind. Then, Venus looked at Aphrodite, and the two women exchanged jealous glares.
In a second, they were at war; scratching and clawing, kicking and biting, and Snape stood on the sidelines watching happily, as if this was all fitting very nicely into his scheme. Venus had attacked first, but Aphrodite had met her eagerly. The two friends lashed out at each other for what seemed like minutes but what could have only been mere seconds. For, at the first onslaught, Katie the wonder dog flew into quick action. She jumped up between the fighters and growled ferociously, causing them to back off and catch their breath. All at once, the girls realized what was going on. Aphrodite turned to look at Snape, whose face had returned to its stoic solidness.
"You!" Aphrodite scowled, "You've tricked us! But now the potion has worn off and you have no hold on us...." But then she looked quizzically at Venus, who strangely had not had any potion but yet had fallen for the man. "Venus?"
Venus looked bashfully down at the floor and didn't say anything. But it was clear she had gotten over her swift infatuation. Aphrodite shot her friend a fast "We'll deal with this later" look, then the two joined forces once again and fixed their eyes on Snape. This time, however, it was clear he was well out of his league. Katie, for her part, was not content to stare and ponder future strategies: she snapped at Snape's pant leg and scared him backwards until he fell down on the sofa in a haphazard heap.

The Day that Almost Happened

Today was the day that almost happened.
Got up, had a million things to get done, people to see, nothing panned out and in the end I was all dressed up with too many places to go so I just said, "Ah, I won't go anywhere" so Eddy came over and we bummed around after I finished talking to a few people on the phone.
Steve wants to get the band together, I'm all for it but I've got to focus somehow.
Sebby didn't call now I'm seeing him online and he's cool but no explanation as to why he didn't call, etc. Predictibly Sebby. I steadfastly refuse to have a crush on him. I'm going to get married to this devout guy who's entirely pure and he's going to take care of me for the rest of my life and we'll have happy children and I'll homeschool them and all will be okay. OK?
I'm reading good books now, I just have to make up my mind to spend the time reading again.
Thank God there was no mail running today.
I finished the Terelya book and I loved the last pages, especially the lines where he says really bluntly, "I don't care if people think I'm a psychopath. I've been called insane before." He really means it, too. I guess after 20+ years of the Commies calling him a nutcase he just figured, oh well, and kept right on. You can't worry about that kinda stuff forever.
Take last night, for instance. I finish Terelya's book and look at the clock, it's after 3am. I decide to check messages (I really don't check that often for some reason.) I have these two messages on there, one from Steve (and that churns my belly because I know I never call him back and I feel awful about it...he always calls the second I leave the house!)--the other is from my former "best friend" (if you can call her that) whom I never speak to anymore. Remember, this is the girl who had me in her wedding until with 10 days to go to the wire I back out and don't give any explanation. I have my reasons, people. 13 looong years of them. Anyway, she calls me to tell me our mutual friend has finally had her baby. Well, I KNEW that. I saw this woman in question just a couple weeks ago! I was on top of it, people. Then, this drama queen launches into this lecture on my voice mail about how I need to be involved with the baby and all this crap about stuff that never happened and then mocks me for not changing my voice mail in a few months! WHAT!? Is this girl crazy!? WHO CHANGES THEIR VOICE MAIL EVERY FEW MONTHS!? Furthermore, how am I not involved with the baby? Furthermore, why does this girl give two hoots what I do and how I do it!? I would've lost it right then and there but c'mon, it's 3am and I just read a book about a guy surviving the gulag without so much as a complaint. So, I prayed then turned into a lamb and had a nice sleep. It doesn't even bother me today. I hate to sound all patronizing but in reality, she's the one who's miserable and if it makes her feel better to vent on me, then hey--I'm not miserable and I'm not the one who messed up my life to get a little "hey-hey." I might be flighty, but I've never sold a friend down the river like that. Her whole thing about my voice mail was passive-aggressive, by the way, insinuating that my life apparently hasn't progressed over the summer. Ummm, yeah, and I need to respond to this insanity WHY!? She leaves her number like I'm going to call her back. Sorry, chica, that ship's sailed long ago, and it was called the U.S.S. I HAVE NO DIGNITY BECAUSE I'M YOUR FRIEND.
Boy it feels good to type this all out. Does it ever!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Welcome, Salisbury!

Well, I don't know if you'll stop by, beautiful vixen, but if you do, hellloooooo and post a comment! I can start writing our lovely fan-fic again, ha ha!
Cindy, I'm happy you like the CDs, not everyone can appreciate the weirdness--I hope you have a good time with Robyn, not TOO good a time, leave him for me (you know I want that old man love...heh heh--wait, Robyn is married! Yikes!)
Well, this week should be interesting--it's all about the death penalty for some reason. I had a million things to do for the org. starting Sunday and tomorrow I've got the first meeting of the semester (for ME--THEY'VE all been diligently meeting but I was out for the count for a few months.) I think my "favorite" part of the work is when I get to lecture and bitch out a specific prisoner who will remain nameless but who is really pushing my buttons lately. I've always had this attitude with them that I do not get irritated or try and make their lives harder on them than it already is--but with this guy I snapped and for 30 minutes on the phone let him have it. Don't ask why I'm comfortable in that situation but then I have to call Eddy up to get him to come over to kill a tiny spider or else I can't get to sleep! Some call it "fearless," most call it "naive."
In personal news, I'm looking into this volunteer opportunity half-heartedly--not because I think I'll do it but mainly because I think it'd be cool if I did. Check out
It's just a big coincidence because Eddy and I were talking about Alaska, and then talk radio, and then BOOM! I see this volunteer thingy for Nome, Alaska where they train you to be a DJ and you evangelize the natives and all the way out to Japan and Russia. Ah well, we'll see.
Also, Sebby did it! He predictably was unpredictable! Said he was gonna call me, nope, no call--usually he's pretty good about this, but ever since he got to NYC he's...well, no, he's about the same I think. I still haven't gotten my photos in the mail from him either, I'm supposed to see one of him with Jim C. back in LA. Grrr...this is all a reminder that I don't really like Sebby "that way" and if I DO I'd better put the brakes on regardless because it's NOT gonna happen, for a million reasons. Like the song I wrote says, "I think I've fallen in love--but I don't even really care, cuz it won't change things over there, and it won't change me over here, so I'm waiting, I'm still waiting, yeah I'm waiting; but I think I've fallen in love...."
No, no I haven't really fallen in love, but you know sometimes songs just write themselves, and it's a neat concept.
I think MS has sorta given up on me. Also, K, too--but I'm happy about that in a weird way!
I'm reading some good books right now, "Witness" by Terelya and "With God in Russia" by Fr. Ciszek. Both are about the persecutions under the USSR.