As for Psyche, she had only come one day into the future, so Venus's shell-calls wouldn't reach her for another 24 hours. Things were becoming more and more awkward around her old flame, Eros. And he was pushing his boundaries. He made a smirk and tried touching her cord again to see how much she would let him get away with. For some reason, Psyche was forgetting why she was here in the first place. Her knees began shaking, followed by her tiny white hands.
"I need to--" she began, but Eros shushed her by putting a light finger to her lips. But then she sucked in a deep breath and gathered her courage. "My husband won't like this!"
"Oh yeah?" Eros countered suavely. "So where is the brute? Are you threatening me?" He let out a hearty laugh and took a step backwards. He looked her up and down, giving her a disgusting feeling. Why was she here again? She had to think, she had to get it together. Oh yeah--the time travel, the spinning, the . . . mission. What mission!? It seemed to have something to do with him, Eros, with the way he was making her feel at this very moment. a rage began to rise up within her stomach and then into her heart. A frantic rage at first, but then quelled by reason and a quiet certainty that she was now the one in control. Not him. She had a mission to end this all, forever, and this time she was not alone.
Unbeknownst to her, however, she
was a bit out of sync with the others.
She grabbed her shell that was hidden from his view under a piece of clothing and rattled it. Nothing happened.
"Uh, excuse me," she said, stepping away while eyeing him warily. He was still grinning as if he had her in his grasp. She tapped the shell. Again nothing.
What is going on?
"Foxxxy?" Psyche whispered. "Sexxxy? This is Hottie, come in! I'm in a bind...."
Meanwhile, the demur Aphrodite exchanged glances with the dashing Snape as she went up to his desk after class and after all the other students had cleared out.
"Professor Snape?" she smiled sweetly.
"Yes?" His black piercing eyes looked more handsome and intelligent than ever.
"About that potion we went over today. . . ."
"Did you have trouble understanding the assignment?"
"If you could just take an extra moment to explain it. . . ." she asked innocently. She may have been mistaken, but thought she saw a flicker of a smile cross his lips as he consented.
"I don't have anywhere to be for a moment," he said, and pulled up a chair next to him for her to sit on.
"Oh no!" Venus howled suddenly from her spot behind the bush, "Psyche! Eros! Nooooo!"
It had just occurred to her that if no one was getting her shell-messages, that each must have gotten displaced; and that meant that Psyche was on her own with Eros, but didn't know she was on her own with Eros. Trouble must be brewing, but the sands of time could only be used once, and how to get a new bottle-full?
"And Aphrodite!" She too would assume that the others were only a shell's-call away--where was she in the span of time, and what was she doing with Snape!?
"Battling evil, especially evil where men are concerned, is no easy task!" Venus lectured her dog friend solemnly. "Especially when you're dealing with us three! How do we get ourselves into these situations?" she moaned. The dog yipped then ran off as if he were about to be late for feeding time.