Sunday, December 18, 2005

Death Row and A Mennonite

Oops, I forgot to tell you all about my latest trip to death row. I love talking about these visits because I feel it's important to break down the walls and bars as much as we can, to shed some light on the inside.
First, B the Mennonite picked me up exactly at 10am. We had a great talk on the drive down to Jackson. It turns out he was a missionary in El Salvador for 14 years in a Catholic parish! I was impressed. He was there when Archbishop Romero was, but he never saw him preach. B has a great personality. He's on fire! He's working with refugees now from all over the world, mainly from the Middle East and Africa. He's very respectful of Catholics, and in fact, once a year the abbot from the local Trappist monastery comes to visit him. They're old friends.
We got to the prison and went to work before our prisoner pals showed up (it takes a while for the prison to get the prisoners out of their cells and out to the visiting area.) We had a lot to do. There are vending machines out in the "population" visiting area and of course the death row prisoners love to eat that stuff. I was starving and ate most of it myself so I had to go back in later to feed my friend.
Finally X showed up and I was let back in to see him. The way GA does it is different than most places. You go through 3 barred doors (electrically opened by officers in a glass booth) and finally are let into a locked room that looks very much like any waiting room: except for the bars and chicken wire everywhere of course. This is the death row visiting area. There are usually about 4 other prisoners visiting with their family and friends here as well. There's a little jug of water and paper cups on a ledge if you're thirsty.
Now, X is not technically on death row anymore, but he has been in the hole for weeks because of a series of issues, ranging from a write up to 2 hunger strikes and one fast. Also, he tried to flood his cell out in protest so basically he's in the doghouse.
X gave me a tight hug, almost killing me, and we began to talk. It'd been a long time since I'd last seen him. I asked him to check my head for gray hairs. This is an obsession of mine and I told him I could use him for slave labor. After about a second, one of the guards yelled for him to leave me alone. We started laughing. X said he gets away with a lot in the visiting room. Like what? I wanted to know. Like this, he said: he was wearing his wristwatch out of his cell.
"See, this is why you're in prison," I told him, "You can't be trusted in regular society. You belong here."
"No I don't!" he protested. I always love jiving him about being in prison. He IS a troublemaker sometimes. For his birthday last year he made alcohol in his cell. SOMEone has to keep him in line.
I got to meet Troy. Troy's a bit of a celebrity as prisoners go. I was on a committee with his sister who's a big anti-death penalty activist. Everyone thinks Troy is innocent. I don't know all the facts, but there's a good chance they're right. I shook his hand and waned to talk to him more but X hit him up for a photo ticket. I thought that was rude, too.
To take our photo we were let out into a hallway by an officer and then another prisoner came to take a Polaroid shot. I told the officer to keep a close eye on X. He was a cool cop.
The photo came out well then we stood around shooting the bull with the cop. We were all joking around but I chastised the cop, saying he should be watching over his prisoner better. He sobered up and told me, matter of factly, that there's a time to laugh and a time to be serious. X, he informed me, is trustworthy, so he knew what he was doing. I wondered if he knew about the wristwatch-wearing. I didn't say anything.
"You need to crack down on these prisoners!" I complained a bit later. All three guys stopped, shocked, and stared.
"You do NOT say 'crack' in prison!" the officer shouted, only half-kidding. I was silenced and confused. Was that a reference to a whip or something? Then it dawned on me. The drug. Oops. You learn something new everyday. X and the cop talked for another minute or two, insulting each other for fun. X said he talked to the cop's wife and she told him she was disgusted with her husband. Then the cop told X he couldn't drive without blue flashing lights behind him. I still think that one's funny.
X and I went back into the visiting room after I ran to get us more food and went to the bathroom. We had a lot to talk about and time always goes by too quickly. We talked about our friend Jack, who passed away a few months ago. I taught X how to pray before and after eating, and we said the Our Father together. He'd gone to the Muslim services for a while but he doesn't anymore. He said he's not adverse to the Catholic Church.
Finally, at 3pm, visiting hours were over. We hugged, kissed on the cheek and I assured him that I love him. I do. I've known him since I was 16. That was 8 years ago. He and I have been through a lot together. We've fought, played, listened, taught, learned, and laughed. Who else is there to keep him in line? Who else is there to pick out my gray hairs and braid my hair too?
On the drive back B invited me out to the refugee camp (just a 30 min. drive from home) anytime. What a great day.

Mr. Flurries (I just like saying "Mr. Flurries")

3 planes: to Charlotte, to Philadelphia, to Syracuse
Mr. Flurries, a plush snowman present from my mom
Lots of phone calls
Lots of sleep
-8 degrees, 7 inches of snow (kid's stuff!)
Lunch at the Jesuit Residence
Met Fr. CO: incredible meeting with him (more about this later)
Christmas party
Saw brother-he bought me ringtones: I'm A Believer, Good Vibrations, Suspicious Minds (ha!)
Mass: Ugandan seminarian gave great homily

Great trip so far! Happy Advent Everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

St. Juan Diego

The Mennonites pulled through as always! I knew I could trust people who live off the fat of the land. They promised they'd take me to death row this Dec. and it turns out they'll take me tomorrow. Just in the nick of time. The prisoner I visit there got taken off death row when the Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that it was unconstitutional to execute juveniles. But he immediately got himself thrown in the hole...from there he went on hunger strike and ended up in the hospital...then he protested by turning on his water and trying to flood the hole...then the COs got spiteful and turned OFF his water for days--illegally, but to prove a point. By the time he was able to call me, he'd been locked up that way for weeks, and I was his first outside contact in a long time. He's still in the hole but he's allowed to see me. Hopefully.
He asked me to print him some jokes off the internet, but all I could find were dirty ones, so I sent him my favorite--a Calvin and Hobbes book--instead. I'll find out what he thinks tomorrow.
Work miraculously (and I do mean miraculously: thanks, St. Juan Diego) got better today. The past 2 days had been so bad I almost ended up crying. Somehow I woke up joyful this morning and took that attitude into work with me. It paid off.
My phone is broken! AUGH! Verizon says they'll replace it tomorrow...I hope so! I'm really into my cell phone. Addicted.
I took E to start his new job tonight--it pays more than double than what I make. It's also pretty cool--he helps set up the Classic Center venue for bands and acts that come through town. The hours are right up his alley too.
Time for bed.....
Sorry I've once again become nonexistent to my friends. I had to work overtime all this week to make up for my vacation time, and in my free hours I've had to prepare for my trip up North. But rest assured I love you all! Muah!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Mama Nantucket by Michael Nesmith

Oh, Mama Natucket, she tried to kick the habit
But she couldn't and she got stung.
I tried to relieve her but she wasn't a believer
Until she tried another one.

Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.
Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.

Oh, Bobby with a dollar he was sure he found the answer
But it might take a little time.
Playin' Follow-the-Leader he was sure to be a winner
But I had other things on my mind.

Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.
Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.

See all the people runnin'.
Comin' from miles around.
Everybody's singin' a different tune
See them all fall down.

Well, I don't like to quarrel but what about tomorrow.
Will it be the same as the past?
I keep on hopin' that somethin' will happen
And I hope that it happens fast.

Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-de, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.
Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.

Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-dee, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.
Oh, de-leedle-oh-de-lay-de, I love it here on the range.
Come-a ti-yi-yippy I would love it more if it changed.

Places I Want to See Before I Die

Ukraine (the Motherland!)
Africa (Nija, Kenya, Mali, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, Congo, Morocco, Egypt, Sahara Desert)
Middle East and Holy Land
Moscow (Go to Lenin's tomb and laugh at him. He tried to kill the Church but in the end he went mad and died in the arms of a bunch of nuns. They were the only ones who wanted him. What irony.)
Brazil (See the big Jesus statue.)
The SW USA deserts
Alaska (?)

That's it I think! Just these and I'll be content. :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Off of work...yay! I want to lounge. But first I must go to the post office and mail out a zillion things for Christmas. It got warmer here thank God so I'm not shivering constantly and I can actually enjoy staying indoors at my place. An email and call from O. has kept me going. My own private diary and shrink all wrapped into one very cool person. Yesterday at work I had to go to this chorale performance which wasn't half bad except it was all Christmas music despite the fact that's it's Advent. Then there was some caroling we had to do at the Episcopal Center on campus. The irony that it's me doing all this is hysterical, even to me. I can't wait to finally go see my Mom. I know I saw her over the summer, but still--it will be nice to have a break. I also want to see snow! It's been 1 1/2 or 2 years since I last saw snow. I skipped Christmas up North last year. Still there are these questions in my mind: decisions to make, goodbye or hello, move or stay, etc. I'd like to do them all at once somehow if it were possible.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Wait a minute, chuck? Like, hurl? Like blow chunks? Chuck? That's a weird word. I think the people that wrote that thing were just reaching to make it funny. Plus, a woodchuck CAN chuck wood so why is it in the hypothetical? Hmmm....Woodchuck food for thought.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Sophisticated Party

Last night my boss and I went to a sophisticated Episcopalian party. It was hosted by a young married couple who must be making big bucks because they lived out in an estate in Watkinsville--a ritzy section with enormous mansions, wide quiet streets, and decorative wreaths on all the doors. It was really breathtaking and lavish. Inside our hosts' house, there was a richly-ornamented white Christmas tree with pretend (I assumed) gifts wrapped and stacked beneath the fake branches. A perfectly calm fire burned in the picture-perfect fireplace, and they even had bells hung around the doorknob so the "sound of the season" went off everytime someone came in or out. When we got in, the man kindly took our coats off and carried them upstairs for safekeeping. You could've eaten off of the floor--everything was in its place, and seriously, I've seen Christmas cards featuring less impeccable scenes.
Halfway through the meal, one of the guests sat talking with the host about how many golf courses he owned. I heard the word "economy" several times. He'd first been in the thoroughbred horse business, he said, but then he went into golf courses, and really, courses are very easy to do, you just keep increasing economy and before you know it, you've got several.

Needless to say, I went from feeling uncomfortable to just plain awkward. I've had horses too, but never for business. And once I played Putt-Putt but I've never stepped on a real green. Furthermore, I like Christmas, and I always enjoyed putting tinsel on the tree but THIS was incredible.
First, I had feelings of mild jealousy. Maybe some day I'd have a house like that and come December I'd have it all dressed to the nines.
Then came the emotions of irritation: Christmas is when we celebrate the poor Baby Jesus choosing to come to earth in a cold manger. The only guests were dirty shepherds from the fields.
Finally, understanding: people are just different. Different classes, different incomes, different ways of doing things. Different cultures, different attitudes, different perspectives. Not better or worse, just different.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Amazon Scam

Beware everyone--I just got this really convincing-looking email from scammers who pretended to be from They were good. I almost gave them all my info. except they did one thing wrong--they took me for a fool! The email claimed they had been contacted by my bank (and ergo they suddenly needed all my info.) Well, I called the bank and guess what? They did no such thing. Anyways, just be forewarned. The email linked me to a website that looked exactly like Amazon. I don't know how they did it, but thank God I figured them out!


Goodbye, goodbye, cruel town. You've been a fair weather friend. Now I will go to some place that I know. Where things don't stop just to end.--M. Nesmith

Just Another Nesmith Rant

In July I ordered the complete works of the First National Band and Michael Nesmith. Three records all put onto 2 CDs. Well, I just got it in a couple days ago (long story.) I knew I would love it, but man! It's the BEST music in the world. (I'm stealing that quote from some other reviewer whom I can't recall.) I'm a huge Gram Parsons fan, but this might even be better. Close race. See, Gram and Michael are both credited with "creating" Country Rock, but after listening to Nesmith's stuff, I have to say I think his is more integrated than Gram's and he probably holds the lion's share of the credit. Wow. It's rare to hear the origins of a whole new genre. Like Sugar Hill Gang, or Haley and the Comets. If you listen to Rock Around the Clock you can hear the big band style AND the new rock style, so usually that's classified as the first rock song ever. (These things are always disputed however.) Well, listening to Nesmith is a bit like that. He'll be crooning and yodeling (yes, yodeling) and singing about the "range" and "tumbleweeds," then BAM! All of a sudden here comes an electric guitar with some sort of distortion, and he's screaming with echo in the backround. It gets pretty trippy at times. The lyrics are odd too--random and enigmatic like a lot of 70s rock was. <>I just can't believe my ears. It's country...wait it's rock...wait it's this new thing called Country Rock! Mike Nesmith is incredible. His mom invents liquid paper, then he invents a whole new genre of music, then he creates a whole new medium of music (the music video and MTV). I mean, who is this guy!? Also he *might* have turned over a general's air plane once while he was in the AirForce, but this is still up in the air. :-D The world may never know....

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy St. Andrew! (Apostle of the Slavs)

I thought I was "safe" from one of my co-workers because he'd started dating someone, but after a few hours working with him today it became apparent that he still thinks we have something going. It's weird. He flirts with me and I really just don't give him anything back. But he tries to pry into my personal life at times, and even had the gall today to kiss me on my head before leaving. He's definitely become more sedate since dating that girl, but not sedate enough. It's so confusing. Why would anyone act like he does? I'm sure it's an ego trip, but I feel something more is going on. Maybe I just don't know all the facts. How annoying. It puts me on edge every time we work together. Unfortunately my boss loves pairing us up for some reason, so I see him more often than I'd like.

I'm really REALLY behind on all my prison work. When you get behind on prison work, half the guys go inside themselves and silently feel abandoned while the other half become impatient and even a little rude. Sigh. I need to make sure that my days off are spent tending to my other responsibilities, instead of me just lounging and trying to decompress.

In good news, the execution that was supposed to take place today in GA was postponed until Friday. It might just buy him enough time to get an appeal. Let's pray.