For Emeka....
Emeka, a furum gi na anya!
*Real Space Log: Lauren St. David-Blessing* "Oxidentals are a curious people."-Nez
As you can see, those Tork fans stole my latest Peter image, so the fight is ON!
Sigh, those Peter Tork internet fans are rabid. I think they aren't letting me use some of his photos, so I had to take the cowboy one down and replace it with this one. That's cool, once they take this one I'm going to get some ones of him shirtless. Yes, girls, this is war!
There's actually white ice out there today; my dogs didn't even know what it was! It's been over a year since I last saw ice or snow--since I couldn't visit the North the North visited me!
I got this idea partly from Cindy's last post. But instead of listing random things about myself, I'm going to list a random memory.
All right, who was cool in high school and who was not?
OK gals, the story has been added to! Check it out on our story blog and let me know what you think. :) It was kinda self-centered this time but Sali's idea of adding the Monkees to the scene really piqued my interest, heh heh.
I'm exhausted and have finished no work AGAIN. I was supposed to be in bed around 1am, but I ran into practically everyone and their Auntie Grizeldas online and every one of them was having an issue. I didn't get to bed until 5am. Fine for old Renee, but new Renee gets up at the crack of dawn!
Whoa, I'm going British!
...didn't I do it right the first time?
"I wish I had my own room"-Peter
"First we'll escape, then we'll play baseball"-Mike to Peter
"I have no more than I did before but now I've got all that I need, for I love you and I know you love me...Play, magic fingers!"-- the Nez
"I know she's having a fit/she doesn't like me a bit/no bird of grace will sit on Auntie Grizelda"--Auntie Grizelda, sung by Peter and the Monkees
"All we have in this world is our word," people have told me. But I have to go back on something I said, I have to. I said I wouldn't go on about FC anymore. Well, I basically said that in a moment of self-pity because I haven't been able to talk to him in a few days and I was getting sore at him.
My landlord apparently figured 9am was a great time to start using a chainsaw outside my window to cut down tree limbs. So, here I am. :)
I'm growing my roots, to paraphrase Ignatian spirituality, suggested by Sister Margarita. We can learn from nature. During the winter, the trees lose their leaves and appear lifeless. But really they are deepening their roots in preparation for the spring. St. Ignatius knew all about this of course. As a soldier wounded in battle, he had little to do but lie in bed for a while. Now he's considered one of the best spiritual directors in all history. St. Francis was a POW for a year, then became deathly ill and laid in bed for another year or two at his parents' house. He was growing his roots.
Everyone's got a boyfriend. How awful. How nice. I've got a boyfriend. He's thousands of miles away. He's farther away than that one guy I sorta wanted as a boyfriend, and that guy was really far away. It wouldn't be so bad if not everyone had a boyfriend or a husband. Then I probably wouldn't even mind not having one close to me. Actually, wait, no, I'd still want him because he could:
Finally gals, Eddy helped me set this pic of FC on my blog. Click on it once to see a slightly bigger image, then again to see the full sized image. The full size will be about 1/3 the size of your computer screen, big.
Ote kwana! Hah, all morning I made FC do online shopping with me. He had to look at chapel veils and I tried getting him to look at scarves but I figured he'd had enough so....
I wonder if I'll ever get to a point where I won't care at all about EG? Probably not. I wouldn't even want to get to that point. But it's going to be mighty hard to juggle my feelings concerning EG, and then if I get married, my husband, or if I become a nun, that whole lifestyle. I'm sure it would work out either way, but some mornings, like this morning, I just get to thinking.